6 - Endgame

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4 years later... (Don't worry, this is the last time skip, I think!)

I got home from the mall to see my mom stood in the kitchen. "Hey, Mom, what's up?"

"Your father has some old friends over, I just sent Morgan in to save him but I'm starting to think that won't be enough."

"Ah old friends. I'm going to see what they're talking about."

I walked into the living room to see Antman, Captain America and, my personal hero, Black Widow.

"Look Tony, I know you have a daughter now."

"Daughters. Plural."


I walked over to them. "Hi daddy." I kissed my dad on the cheek and looked at the avengers.

"Antman isn't it? I've heard of you, keep up the good work dude. Black Widow, great to see you again, it's been 5 years. Captain, good to see you, you didn't come to the meeting last week, people were worried."

"What meeting?" My dad was very confused.

"Well, I met Stevie here at a therapy group thing for people who lost loved ones because of Thanos and we chatted, became instant besties and yeah. He totally forgot who I am at first, but then he remembered and we helped each other a lot."

As I spoke, Morgan walked up to me and I rested her on my hip.

"Anyway, what are you guys here for?"

"They were just leaving."

"We actually came to ask Tony if it was possible to travel back in time and save half the universe."

"Oh that's cool." I looked at Dad and he returned it with an expectant look. "Of course it would be incredibly difficult to do something like that, especially as you'd be going back by like 5 years which could end up tearing a hole in the space time continuum, ripping apart the very fabric of time but good luck."

Ant Man's eyes widened, Natasha raised an eyebrow and Steve gave me a calculating look.

"That's my girl." Dad smiled at me proudly.

Later that night, I went to get a glass of water and I saw dad working on something.

"Hey dad, what you working on?"

"Oh it's nothing."

"Really? So you're not trying to build a time machine?

"Whatever gave you that idea?" I gave him a look.  "Fine I was, but we were right before, it wouldn't work."

"That's because you're doing it wrong."


"FRIDAY reconnect the wires from blue to green, red to yellow, orange to brown, instead connect them yellow green blue orange brown red." I took a seat in the spinny chair next to him.

"Also, increase the magnitude to 180, and reverse the polarity on the receivers." (A/n I have no idea what this means)

"Ho-h-how did you do that?"

"I may not have graduated from MIT at the age of 16, but I have been mentored by you for the last 5 years. Besides, it's basic quantum physics."

He looked over his calculations from before and face-palmed. "Oh god."

"Everyone makes mistakes, Dad. Are you gonna give it to them?" I bit my lip after I spoke.

He sighed and ran a hand through his short hair. "I'm not sure yet. What do you think?"

"Well, if it was my decision I would do it in a heartbeat."

"You would? Why? You realise it's practically a suicide mission?"

"Peter was gone too young. He didn't deserve this. And neither did any of the rest of them. They'll never have a chance, one of those kids who are gone could have grown up and cured cancer. But we'll never know. I've seen first hand what the snap did to people, it's scary. Some people have lost their only loved ones, and so did I. I was just lucky enough that you were there to help me. Most people didn't have that privilege."

He looked thoughtful and I continued.

"Besides, if you don't, you will forever wonder what if? And when you see the consequences of what Thanos has done, you will feel guilty, always knowing you could have brought them back, you could have prevented it. But you didn't. And ever since it happened, I've been going over it in my head constantly, wondering if I could have done anything more. I don't want to lose you dad, but you were a hero long before you became a husband and a father."

"You're right. We have to do this."


"You're coming with me, aren't you?"

"Of course!"

"Great. We'll go tomorrow, and we're stopping at Burger King on the way."


The next afternoon Tony and I were eating cheeseburgers and driving at top speed in his sports car to where we knew Steve, Natasha and Scott were.

We arrived and Captain America greeted us. They talked about how it went wrong, because apparently after Dad said no they asked the Hulk to do it.

We walked in and saved the day, and Natasha went off to find Hawkeye who apparently became a vigilante in Japan. Hulk and Rocket, a talking raccoon, went to New Asgard to talk to Thor and get him to rejoin. It was going to be the original avengers, plus me and Scott.

Once everyone had arrived, we tried a test run with Clint who was back from Japan, and it worked so we had just enough for one trip each.

Iron Man's Daughter, Spiderman's Sister Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt