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My name's CJ Parker. 3 months ago, I was adopted by May Parker and her nephew, Peter. Now, I'm tied in a chair at Stark Industries, the same place Peter has an internship at. Now I know what you're thinking, how did a 12 year old girl end up tied in a chair in Stark industries? Well, it all started a week ago...

I was bored after finishing all my homework, and Peter was off doing God knows what. So, I opened up my laptop and decided to try hack into some famous companies. I'm a hacker, at my old school I would hack into the system and change people's report cards and they would pay me. I even hacked into the Pentagon once just for fun. Recently though, I've been hacking into my favorite TV shows to find out what happens next. Just typical 12 year old girl stuff.

Now, I decided to try and hack into Stark Industries, likely the most advanced technology company in the world. Not gonna lie, I was expecting it to be a lot harder than it was. All I had to do was bypass the firewall, break down the encrypted code and rearrange the wiring of the circuit before changing it all back and removing the alarm.

So, now I was in, I was looking at all of the weapons they had made over the years. Stark Industries doesn't really make weapons anymore, since Tony Stark became Iron Man and decided he wanted to save the world instead of destroying it. Respect. I pulled up a holographic map of the lab, and hacked the security cameras to get a better idea of what was going on.

I looked into the designs of the iron man suit before realising I could do so much more than just hack it from my computer. So the next night, I broke into the building and stole the weapons, rearranging the wires so that it didn't kill people anymore.

But of course, Tony Stark noticed someone had stolen his weapons. So, on my 5th night, he set a trap for me and it worked. I had already hacked everything and it all seemed fine, but he set the trap after I finished and tied me to a chair.

Which brings me to now.

"Who do you work for?" Tony Stark was standing over me and I pretended to not understand English. I had a mask on, don't worry he couldn't trace me. Or figure out I wasn't even a teenager yet.

"Ma skvit ka, yadi." I spat a bunch of made up words at him, secretly smiling at how funny this was.

"JARVIS, what language is that?"

"None of those words are listed in any dictionaries, Sir, aside from Ma which is Arabic for what and Yadi which is Hindi for If."

He looked at me calculatingly, when someone I knew to be Spiderman rushed in.

"Mr Stark, what's going on?"

"This girl's been stealing my weapons for a week now, she somehow manged to hack through my highly secured database and bring down our firewall, but she insists she did it alone."

"Wow, you can't even interrogate me alone? You gotta call for backup? I'm disappointed in you, Stark."

He looked back to me. "You shut up. At least we know you speak English. How did you do it?"

"I'm a Computer And Science Prodigy, nimrod. I grew up on hacking computers and databases. Yours only took like 10 minutes, you need to up your game Iron Man."

"Who are you?"

"First of all, Spider boy, that's none of your business. Second, I'm an incredibly intelligent human."

"It's Spiderman."

"Please, you sound like my 15 year old brother. If you're over the age of 21, I'll sincerely apologise."

"Yeah, what's your name then?"

"I go by Techno."

"Do you work for Hydra?"

"Dude, I'm not a villain I was just bored. Now why don't we just call it a day and I can go home. I need to back by 9 so..."

"Have you tried getting her mask off?" Spider boy ignored me and directed his question to Iron Man.

"Yeah, but it won't come off. Maybe you can try using your webs?"

"Good idea." He shot his Web over my mask and tried to pull it off, with no luck.

"Spidey, I coded this mask and it only comes off when I say the code word."

"What's the code word?"

"You really think I would tell you that?"

"It was worth a shot."

I felt my phone buzz. "That's probably my Mom or brother. Can I answer it? I don't want them to worry about me."

Spiderman took the phone out my pocket and was about to hand it to me, but paused looking at the contact name.

"You call your Mom, May?"

"She's actually my adoptive mother, I've only been living with her for like 3 months so I haven't called her mom yet."

"Iron Man, can I talk to you in the other room?" He looked over at Tony Stark, who was sat in the corner watching us.

"Sure, kid."

They walked into the other room and I sat there, staring at the ceiling.

Peter POV

"What's up, kid?"

"I think I know who Techno is."

"What? How?"

"I think she's my sister."

"Oh damn."


Spidey boy and Toto came back in, smiling.

"What are you two so happy about?"

Spider boy walked up to me and sat down on the chair across from me. "Let's play a game."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What kinda game Spidey?"

"If I can guess your first name, you take off your mask. Deal?"

"Yeah, sure. Good luck on guessing my name, Spidey. You get 3 guesses, since I'm feeling nice."

"Ok. Is your name Jessica?"

I shook my head.

"Is your name Isabelle?"

"Nope, nope nopity nope. You get one more guess."

"Is your name CJ?" He had a very cocky tone of voice and I recognized it, thinking myself stupid for not realising earlier.

"How the hell did you guess that unless... Oh shit."

"Language. Now, honor your end of the deal and take off your mask."

"Fine. The codeword is Rochambeau got it? Rochambeau!"

"Did you just quote Hamilton?" I nodded and he sighed.

"Yup you're CJ alright."

With the codeword, my mask slid off my face and retracted into my outfit.

"Reveal yourself, Peter." I looked at him expectantly and he removed his mask.

He leant down and started to untie me from the chair. "Why CJ? Why?"

"I told you, I was bored. I wasn't going to use them for anything."

"Where are the other weapons?"

"Under a floorboard in my room."

"What would you do with them?"

"I wanted to do experiments with them and see if rearranging the circuits and changing the magnitude would change the very purpose of the weapon."

"Mr Stark, can I take my sister home? I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, kid. The girl's got guts, I respect that. Just don't steal anymore of my weapons." He directed the last part to me.

"I won't." Peter and I were about to leave when Toto called out. "Wait! Can you uh, encrypt my data so that a 12 year old girl wouldn't be able to get into it?"

"Sure, Toto."

Iron Man's Daughter, Spiderman's Sister Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt