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Liked by wenjunhuilove, caratdeul, and 4,724 others

junvibes FANSIGN TEA🍵
I'm skipping over cheol and jeonghan, since @hardcore.csc.stan and @istanjeonghan already did so. I got to jun and I was s h o o k. He's so much better looking in person. We started talking in Chinese together and i was glad because then no one could understand us — don't worry, we didn't talk about anything weird. I gave him a card and a gift card to a nearby Chinese restaurant. He giggled when he saw the gift card and promised to take me out with it sometime, so fingers crossed he does🤞💕 afterwards he gave me a big hug across the table and then I went to go see jeon wonuwu.
speaking of which, @ilovewoo , it's your turnn~~

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ilovewoo I'm nearly done with my post!!
soonieloveshoonie I'll start working on mine then:)
jun4ever you guys are so luckyy
junvibes @jun4ever haha it's only cuz we live in korea~ you'll be able to go to a fansign too one day💫
jun4ever @junvibes hehe thanks for the encouragement💜
istanjeonghan soonyoung was so lucky! It's not fairr~
hardcore.csc.stan I know right! @istanjeonghan
svtismylife_ What did he get?
junvibes @svtismylife_ you'll just have to wait for his post:)


{written 07/25/2019}

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