Why are kids so difficult?

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Bakugou ran upstairs to try and get Haru to stop screaming.

"Shhhh....Haru-it's Okay-your Okay" He said picking him up. "Your probably hungry or something"

He walked back downstairs and put Haru down on the play mat and started making his bottle.

Hopefully he doesn't move around again. And end up somewhere.

He finally finished and walked over to the play mat to give Haru his bottle but....he wasn't there.

"Shit-ughh Haru?" He called out. "Haru where are you....I have your bottle"

He looked around. "Where did he go?! He couldn't have disappeared"

He continued looking around when there was a knock on the door. "Coming!" He yelled.

He ran to the door and opened it. "Todoroki! Thank fucking god your here!" He grabbed Todoroki and pulled him in.

"Yeah I just got back from-are you okay?" Todoroki asked Bakugou who was running around the room. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for the baby!" Bakugou said running up the stairs.

"What do you mean looking for the baby?" Todoroki called looking up the stairs to see Bakugou run back down. "You don't mean-YOU LOST THE BABY?!"

"Yes now could you help me look!?"

They both looked around the house for Haru. Basically turning the place upside down.

"Haru!" Bakugou called. "Cmon stop it-it's not funny!"

"How did he just disappear?" Todoroki asked. "He's a baby he couldn't have gone far-"

Then the door bell rang. "I'll get it" Todoroki said as Bakugou kept looking around.

"Hi I was walking by and this baby was on the front lawn" A woman said.

"Bakugou is this the baby?!" Todoroki called.

Bakugou ran over. "Omg yes! Haru!" Bakugou picked up the baby from the lady. "I'm so sorry we don't know what happened he just disappeared"

"I see-maybe his quirk. Now have a good day then-and good luck with your new baby-I know when I was a new parent-"

"No-no this isn't our baby" Bakugou said.

"Just baby sitting" Todoroki added.

"Oh-But he looks so much like you two. The blonde hair" She looked at Bakugou's hair. "And the grayish brown eyes" she looked at Todoroki's...one eye.

"Haha just a coincidence this is my baby cousin" Bakugou said.

"Okay well take care" The woman said walking away.

Todoroki shut the door. "How the hell did you get outside?!" Bakugou said to the baby who in response let out a loud screech.

"Has he been doing that all day?" Todoroki asked. "It's kinda loud"

"That's what I said!"

They both walked over to the couch and Bakugou grabbed the bottle. They sat down and Bakugou tried to feed the baby but he refused.

"Maybe he's not hungry" Todoroki said.

"But he's been crying his head off-and he hasn't eaten anything yet" Bakugou replied trying to feed this baby once again.

Although this time the baby grabbed the bottle and chucked it. Then he started crying.

"Omg what do you want?" Bakugou sighed.

Todoroki came back with the bottle and handed it to Bakugou. "Can I try?" Todoroki asked.

"Sure but if he does anything-I warned you"

Bakugo handed the crying baby over to Todoroki. "Hi" Todoroki said sitting Haru down on his lap.

"Geew" the baby smiled and lightly patted his hands on Todoroki's stomach. He stoped crying.

"What the fuck?" Bakugou said looking at them. The whole time Haru was being a little bitch to Bakugou but was now happy?!

"Is his name Haru?" Todoroki asked looking at the baby.

"Yeah" Bakugou said.

"Hiya Haru" Todoroki said in that voice you do when you talk to baby's.

Haru let out a little sequel and smiled. And reached his hands for the bottle next to Todoroki.

"You want this?" Todoroki said in the same weird voice. Haru smiled again. "I bet your hungry aren't you?" He bopped Haru's nose, which made him smile widely and squeal again, then gave Haru the bottle positioning him in more of a proper way to eat.

"What the fuck?" Bakugou muttered again as he looked at Todoroki feeding Haru.

Haru was happily drinking out of the bottle and even holding Todoroki's finger and was looking at him. Todoroki looked at Bakugou. "He doesn't seem that bad"

"Well that's cuz I was here stoping him from doing everything-telling him no every second-and trying to do other chores around the house....while he sat there and cried-for no reason!"

"See I told you that people say no to baby's a lot" Todoroki teased.

Bakugou sighed. Soon enough Haru was done with his bottle and had fallen asleep in Todoroki's arms.

"Well he's a sleep now-so what do we do?" Bakugou said when Todoroki came back downstairs from burping and putting Haru in his crib.

"I don't know?" Todoroki said sitting back down. "Is there any other chores for us to do?"

"Nope I did them all" Bakugou sighed. "Hey-I do have a question though"


"Have you baby sat or something before?" Bakugou asked. "Cuz you seemed like you knew what you were doing-and Haru just liked you"

"No" Todoroki said.

"No?" Bakugou asked. "Nothing? Like nothing at all?"

"No nothing" Todoroki said. "I wouldn't really have a reason to. I never really wanted kids any way......I mean I love them and all but I feel like being a dad is a lot of pressure-being a parent in general is. And I can't biologically just have one on my own-I would probably adopt or something....I'm not sure..."

"Really?" Bakugou asked.

"Yeah....why?" Todoroki asked. "Something wrong?"

"No-it's just I always just took you as someone who would really want kids in the future" Bakugou said. "Biologically or not"

"Yeah-I've heard that before-like when I told my sister I didn't really want any, she kinda said the same thing.....I don't remember how it came up-but it did. She was kinda disappointed actually....she said that she really wanted to be an aunt and I don't really think my other brothers.....I think you know what I mean. But she still said that she would support me in any discussion I make...."

"Yeah-But I'm not sure if I really want any either" Bakugou said. "Especially specking that I just lost one a little while ago"

"Yeah-But it wasn't your fault.....I wasn't here but....I'm still confused....how did it even happen? Especially for him to just end up on the front lawn..." Todoroki asked.

"I honestly don't know-and it wouldn't be his quirk or anything since Niko said he hasn't developed it yet" Bakugou responded.

"Who's Niko?" Todoroki asked.

"Haru's mom"

"Ohh-makes sense"
I don't have words for this chapter......

Well I hope you enjoyed and see ya next time!

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