I'm sorry

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(Oof I'm almost crying!😢)
(At least to me it's sad and cute...)

"Ahhh!" Todoroki lightly screamed in pain. "Bakugou stop!"

Bakugou kept bitting and licking the mark. Not realizing the small tears coming out of Todoroki's eyes.

"Bakugou-what did-I do? Please-stop...it-hurts" Todoroki cried. "Your scaring me" he muttered.

Bakugou realized what was said and stoped. He looked at Todoroki. Tears streamed down his face.  Bakugou covered his mouth with his hands.

No...what-what did I do?! I hurt him. Why did I do this?!

Bakugou looked at Todoroki's neck. It was red and a bit purple, it had small balls of blood coming out.

"No..I-Im sorry" Bakugou said grabbing Todoroki and hugging him tightly. Todoroki cried into is chest.

Bakugou hugged him tighter. "I'm sorry-please don't cry-I don't know what got into me"

This hurts...I hurt him. Why did I hurt him? Why did I make him cry? I'm a horrible person-who does this to the person they love?!

Todoroki slowly stoped crying and looked up at Bakugou. "I'm sorry..." he sniffled.

"You have nothing to be sorry about it's all my fault...I'm a horrible-"

"No your not. You just got mad. We all have feelings...we all do things we regret when we're mad"

"But I hurt you. It's not okay. I hurt you-I can't just get over that-you shouldn't either-aren't you mad at me?"

"No. I'm not mad at you" Todoroki kissed Bakugou's cheek.

"But-I made you cry...I hurt you" Bakugou started to tear up. "Your bleeding...because of me"

Todoroki looked down. "But you didn't mean to. But....can you tell me why?"

"I-I got....jealous.....of you and Momo....all day you guys looked happy-like a happy couple....I got...mad and took it out on you" Tears slowly made it's way out of Bakugou's eyes.

Todoroki hugged Bakugou and kissed his cheek. Then wiped away his tears. "It's okay...but I don't know what your jealous of. I'm with you-I'm here with you. Your the one that matters to me the most...I was just helping Momo. She wanted advice. Besides if it was something else-which it wouldn't be-i don't like girls that way-Momo-we're just friends"

"Now I feel worse" Bakugou sighed. "I hurt you for doing nothing....you were just helping your friend"

"I already told you it's okay" Todoroki said.

They gave each other another big hug. "Let's go get something for your neck..." Bakugou said when they let go. Todoroki had a big red and purple bite mark that was slightly bleeding.

"Yeah...we are going to have to figure out a way to hide this" He smiled.

They went to the bathroom and took care of the problem on Todoroki's neck.

They got ready for bed and cuddled up in Bakugou's bed. Todoroki put his head on Bakugou's chest.

How did I deserve someone this great? I just don't want to hurt him again-I don't get how he seemed so calm about it all. I would be pissed off-but that might be me....I get pissed off at the smallest things. I just hope he's actually okay-and not pretending....

Bakugou looked down and noticed that Todoroki had drifted to sleep while he was thinking. Bakugou smiled and kissed Todoroki's forehead. He cuddled closer with Todoroki and soon feel asleep.
Awwww that was so sad and cute!! Todoroki is so forgiving!! At least to Bakugou. Hopefully this doesn't come back to bite em in the neck....bad pun-bad timing sorry...Also sorry this one is short again. I like making long chapters but I also wanna space them out more. And I usually don't post more then one in a day....but I think I owe you guys. But....how is Todoroki going to cover that up? Like how is nobody going to see? Maybe someone will? Maybe not? And this isn't as important but...wonder what Momo wanted advice about? I'm going to stop asking questions since I know the answers. Hope you enjoyed and can't wait to see ya in the next one! Bye!

Okay I'm re-reading this and....hopefully it's natural that Todoroki forgave Bakugou that easily....I'm not exactly sure...but we're going to just say that Todoroki is very forgiving of Bakugou and that there will be no grudges....but I'm not going to say that it might not come back later in a good-if that's possible-or bad way......okay now....bye!

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