The Intro

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It was their second year at U.A. and everything was going great...well as great as it could get. Besides the villain attacks, almost dying..a lot and students who are in rivalry and refuse to like each other. Besides that, everything was great. Well until...the dorms got messed up. Cuz blasty boi decided to basically blow the place up. That Bakuhoe! I'm getting ahead of myself. Here let me show you how this kinda happened.

"Bakubro cmon" Kirishima whined to his blond friend. "That's not very manly of you"

"Shut up shitty hair!" Bakugou fired back. "And its all that damn nerds fault!"

"Ugh you guys fight way to much" Mina complained.

"Bubblegum I swear to god!-" The dirty blond exploded.

"Alright alright" There teacher walked in. Well more like hopped in his yellow sleeping bag. "I get that some of you are upset that the dorms were basically blown up" Aizawa started.

"Well the shitty nerd just had!-" Bakugou interrupted getting out of his seat. Yet to get cut off by Aizawa telling him to sit down and shush.

From his seat Todoroki rolled his eyes. And slightly smiled without realizing it. He always had a slight attraction to the hotheaded blond. But he was now starting to come to terms that it might not just be him thinking the blond was very very hot.

Shoto you need to stop thinking about him. Focus on your teacher who is talking and...Todoroki started to think.

"Okay so I will be telling you who you will be partnered with" Aizawa said in his usual sleepy voice.

Damn it! What did he say before that, stop zoning out! He thought to himself.

Aizawa seemed to be taking his time to get the list so the half n half haired boy took his chance to ask what was going on.

He leaned over to the raven haired girl sitting at the desk near him and whispered "wait what's the list for?"

She gave him a 'maybe you should listen look' but still answered his question. "They are fixing the dorms and decided to have us have roommates. He's about to tell use who is sharing with who" Momo said looking back at Aizawa trying to listen.

Oh no, what if I get pared with Bakugou? No I won't, whats the odds of that happening. He's probably going to be with Kirishima or one of his friends. Todoroki thought.

"Okay so...Ashido and Hagakure, Yaoyorozu and Jiro, Asui and Uraraka" Aizawa said.

Okay that's all the girls in the class down. The bicolored haired boy thought.

Then Aizawa continued. "Koda and Shoji, Sato and Mineta, Sero and Ojiro, Aoyama and Tokoyami-" Aizawa started.

So far everyone seemed okay with there roommates. Well everyone except Sato and Tokoyami. Sato has to be with Mineta, and Tokoyami has to be with Aoyama. Which meant that Tokoyami can't get all the darkness of his old room anymore, since Aoyama would cover it in sparkles.

Only a few more left. Todoroki thought.

"Kirishima and Kaminari" Aizawa continued.

Oh no. So it's only Midoriya, Iida, Bakugou and myself now. Maybe they will put Iida with Bakugou in hopes that Iida could tech him to calm down. Then I could be with Midoriya. Midoriya is a close friend of mine, that would be fine. The boy thought to himself.

(Gay panic)

"Midoriya and Iida, and last but certainly not least Bakugou and Todoroki" Aizawa finished.

"Fuck no! I'm not sharing with the Peppermint stick!" Bakugou objected.

"I didn't choose who's with who" Aizawa said. "Now you guys can work it out yourselves-you are dismissed..not my problem anymore" the teacher said wrapping himself into his sleeping bag once again and plopping onto the floor to sleep.

Todoroki sat in his desk basically in shock. So much so that he didn't even notice the bell go off. He didn't know what to think-what to do.

"Cmon Bakugo it's not that bad-would you rather be with Midoriya or Iida" Kirishima said in hopes of calming down his friend. It didn't exactly work.

Bakugou got up and made his way to Todoroki. He slammed his hands on the desk taking Todoroki out of his 'trance'.

"I swear to god half 'n' half if you think this makes you my friend or some dumb shit like that or gives you that opportunity. I will fucking kill you!" Bakugou threatened.

Todoroki accidentally let out a small chuckle.

"You think something is funny Icyhot?!" Bakugou said now nearly inches away from Todoroki's face.

"Nope" Todoroki simply replied starting to lightly blush.

"Good" Bakugou said under his breath. He gave Todoroki one last look and stomped out of the classroom.

He was so close to my face...I could Shoto no. Todoroki though.

"To be honest with you-" Kirishima started. "He's not that bad...he just comes off that way"

Soon enough Todoroki was the last one in class. Everyone had already left.

This boy will be the end of me!
Sorry that one was short. The next ones will definitely be a lot longer. I just didn't really know what else to write since I already have a plan on what the next one is about. If anyone is reading this, probably not, but if there is then feel free to give me some suggestions on what can happen in the future. I already have plans on most of it, but that's the bigger parts. I just want you to also be aware that just because you suggested something doesn't mean I will use it. At least in this one, I'm planing on making a Bakutodo/Todobaku one-shots book thing, so it might even go in there. Well ima stop talking now...bye!

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