Bakugou x Reader I

Start from the beginning

A downside though is that people around experience having a little trouble with their quirk.

Your mother had encouraged you when you were little to become a hero when you were younger and that passion may have died down a little, but it still remained.

You would've never imagined that you would go to UA. You had planned to go to another prep school until your mother came to you one day.

"(Y/N)? May I come in?" Her voice said through the door. You paused your music and set down your pencil. "Yeah, you can come in."

She walked in and knelt down in front of you. "Do you remember the kids you used to play with when you lived here?" You nodded your head. "Vaguely."

"Well I'm still friends with some of they're parents and I found out two of them are planning to go to UA. I was just wondering if you were still interested in being a hero," she smiled as she took one of your hands and massaged it.

"But they probably don't remember me anyways. I don't really remember most of them either. Plus, isn't UA a bit too high standard for me?"

"Sweetie, nothing is too high standard for you. If anything you're too high standard for them." You blushed and couldn't form any words to reply.

"They're the two kids you'd go out into the woods with and the nearby park. One of their moms is one of my coworkers so I talk to her a lot. I haven't been able to speak with the other though."

"Who are they?"

"It's the Bakugou family, remember? You even had a nickname for their son. What was it...? ......oh! Kacchan!"

You looked at her surprised for a moment before washing the look off the face. As a little kid, you thought that Kacchan would become a great hero one day and he even made a promise to you that you'd become a hero too so you could be his rival.

But when you told them that you were going to be moving to your dads house, he started getting angry because of that promise. Of course since you were little you'd think it would be meaningless arguing but no. He literally shouted at you to never come back and that you'd probably have a weak ass quirk anyway. But the one thing that will forever stick out to you was as you were leaving, you heard him mutter something under his breath. You couldn't hear very well but you swear you heard ".....stay......away......"

That really messed you up for a while. But you soon forgot most of the things that happened and got over it since you were so little.

An irk mark had appeared on your face but you didn't even notice. "Kacchan, huh? It would be nice to see him, yes."

"Oh no," your mom said to herself. Oh gosh shes gonna stress eat again tonight.


You had trained all year just so you could get up to this point. The moment she said Kacchan was going, you wanted to go to UA yourself to give him some good karma.

You had been well trained enough to get into class 1-A. Now that you were actually here you were nervous as hell but your drive to get Kacchan his well deserved karma had taken over that emotion.

You stepped into your class and took a seat at the back of the row next to the door. That way you'd be less likely seen first but you'd see everyone coming in first hand.

You waited as the students started walking in. You laid your head down after a while from boredom. Your eyes started to wander around the students since he probably wasn't going to be in your class anyway. That is, until you heard someone shout, "Get your feet off the desk! It's disrespectful to UA!"

"It's fine the teacher isn't here yet anyway," a cocky voice said. You looked over to see familiar spiky ash blonde hair. It seemed that the people near you could sense your dark aura as soon as your eyes landed on Kacchan.

As they were talking, or rather shouting at each other, you threw an extra eraser as hard as you could at Kacchan's head.


Then when he saw you, he stopped shouting. He hesitated for a moment before slamming a hand on your desk and darkly saying, "Was it you?!"

"Why would you think that?" You asked.

"Cause of that shit-eating smirk on your dumb looking face."

"Well sorry, but this dumb looking face is something you've already seen before, haven't you Kacchan?" You smirked knowingly now.

"How the hell did you know my nickname?"

"You can't be serious. You're joking, right?"

"The hell you talking about?"

"You don't remember me?" You doubted him 100%.

"Why the hell would I know you?"

He genuinely looked confused. Another irk mark appeared on your face. "Dude, she looks hella scary," you heard a blonde whisper to someone. "Yeah, remind me not to go near either one of them."

Various x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now