"Of course, my darling" she replies and I turn back in my seat while she gets up plugging in the hairdryer.


"You can do this" I sigh talking to myself, I remember telling myself this exact thing 5 months ago, but this time it's not about starting the baby project.

Never would I imagine what I would be doing at this point in my life, a fake mother to 3 kids participating in the baby project, which still doesn't end for another 6 months, I sigh once again, staring at my phone, specifically Blair's contact, she's been messaging me non-stop, for the last day,

I don't know how my mum knew something was wrong but she must have messaged Blair because she has been going nuts, and too be honest I don't have the energy to talk to her and relieve my life for the last 3 days.

I shut the door to the study for privacy, and press on the contact, letting it ring through, it rings twice, before Blair picks up and yells through the phone

"Why haven't you been answering your phone!?" she says and I hold the phone away from my ear flinching, Blair doesn't know the meaning of 'inside voice'

"Jeez Blair, could you calm down," I say to her

"Calm down, Avery Davies, you are in trouble and struggling and you haven't answered your phone" she screams and I laugh, of course, my mother would make the situation so much worse, than what it is.

"Relax Blair, I'm fine," I say, and I hope that this convinces her, I don't want to tell her the whole story

"I know you better than that, I can hear the emptiness in your voice"

"My what!?" I ask her

"Emptiness," she says "That's beside the point, tell me what's happened," she says

"I don't want to Blair" I reply

"Aves, I know you, you will feel better when you tell your Blair Bear," she says

"Okay, fine" I reply, and sigh, I wish Blair didn't know me so well some times.

"We'll basically before the project started I didn't want anything to do with Grayson, but the more I spent with him, the more good qualities I saw," I say and take a deep breath, I can feel the tears start to form

"Yeah, I know," she says and her voice has softened significantly

"Um, I uh, went out for this guy and Grayson got jealous, so I was like what the hell, does he like me? Or whatever, long story short, he kissed me, and asked me out"

"Oh my GOD!! Why didn't you tell me!!" she squeals

"Relax Bear"- bear come from Blair Bear, which we, we'll my siblings and I called her when she was younger, and sometimes occasionally "it wasn't official for a good 3 weeks, we would hang out after the kids would go to bed, and make out," I say

"Wow, was he your first kiss?" she asks

"No..." I say nervously, she doesn't know that, apart from Billie and Jake no-one knows who my first kiss was, and that is because it is super embarrassing.

"What, why am I finding all of this out now?" she says excitedly, there's a reason why my family especially my sister doesn't know things like this- it's because she makes it a huge deal when it's not.

"Because, and it's not the point," I say and I imagine her shaking her head on the other side of the phone

"Anyways, we were holding a party for Michael and just before the party he asked me out-" but I can't continue because she squeals, and I look down a few tears falling, I wish that I could be this happy

"That's exciting," she says

"No it's not" I reply and my stomach drops relieving this "I caught him cheating on me with some slut at the party"

"Oh no," she says and goes quiet

"Aves, I'm so so sorry," she says

"It's okay" I reply and I start crying much harder, I thought that I was already through this, but I guess I liked Grayson more than I thought.

"You really liked him didn't you"

"Yeah, I think too much" I reply

I'm on the phone for a good 30 minutes before Blair has to go to Uni, and I was sick of crying and talking about my miserable situation, so when I hang up the phone,

I take a deep breath, wipe my face and walk down the stairs, no one is home since Billie has gone to pick up Michael from work, and the kids are at school or daycare.

I walk down the stairs slowly and hear a car pull up, which I assume is Billie and Michael, as I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass of water,

The doorbell rings, which I don't think much off considering that Billie always forgets her keys, so when I go and open the door without a thought in my mind, my glass of water in my hand

"Bil, what have I told you about keys!" I say not looking at who is standing in front of the door

"Uhh what?" the voice from the other side of the door says and I recognize that voice,

I look up and drop the glass of water, looking at the person in the doorway in disbelief.



this story will contain:

---- Swearing (which may cause offense)

---- Sexual content (in dialogue ya nasties)

----Moments that you will either laugh or scream


2019 @ehardwick04

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