Episode 5: smoke of war

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Me and Mothra scout the south for a couple of hours. But to No avail.

Mothra: did we win??

Rodan: No! That can't be. They are probably regrouping.

Mothra: If That's the case we Would have found them by now.

Rodan: let's split up! We will find them faster that Way.

We split up. I keep flying deeper and deeper south. God that smel! Because of all the rotten body's it smells like shit out here. Plus I can barely See anything in all the mist.

I decide to land hoping to See more. And boy oh boy. Do i See more and entire army of MUTO's marching north. Their skin armored. And I can See the prime MUTO. He's fucking huge. Jesus fuck! I Don't have time to regroup with Mothra I Need to go Get godzilla.

I fly as Fast as I can towards the vortex and go in. I See godzilla staring at a statue of him Made by the humans. WoW he's bored Shitles. 'HEY! FATASS!' I yell at him 'I DUNNO IF YOU NOTICED BUT THERE'S A GIANT FUCKING ARMY OF MUTOS WITH A BIG ASS PRIME MARCHING TOWARDS THE TITANS! SO WOULD YOU PLEAS BE A GOOD KING AND GET TO IT!'. He smiles and heads towards the south.

We both arrive at the Same time. And we stare down the army of MUTO's. There are hundreds of them If Not thousands! 'We'll die doing the Right thing' godzilla says 'Mothra will evacuate the titans before the MUTO's Get there. It was a Nice life. A short one but hey! Either you die a Hero or live long enough to become the villain'

'Yeah yeah That's Very touching!' Someone says 'but i'm Not leaving my home any time soon!'. Godzilla turns around to See the person talkin. It's methuselah! 'What are you doing here?' Rodan asks. 'She told me!' Methuselah says while Looking at Mothra descending and landing on godzilla his spines. 'Oh! And I also told them!' She tells godzilla.

At that moment an army of hellbirds lead by Phoenix flies above godzilla while fire demons land next to rodan.

Hundreds of landromers and dessert crawlers appear led by Scylla and anguirus. Followed by manda sliding toward godzilla. And affifants lead by behemoth who are ready to fight.

The entire army starts to roar and yell. And so does the MUTO army. The prime and godzilla stare eachother down. And a sillence drops. Wich was broken by godzilla roaring.

Armies start charging At eachother and clash into eachother. Rodan starts picking up and dropping female MUTOs while Mothra and Battra start cutting through the male MUTOs.

Scylla uses het tentacles to break several MUTOs their necks. And Phoenix just Burns them alive.

The army lead by behemoths charges in the MUTOs knocking hundreds of them down. Godzilla Cuts through the army with his attomic breath like a hot knife through butter. And methuselah Rams into the entire army and crushes MUTOs with his bare hands.

Rodan lands before godzilla and asks 'Allright, what's the plan!'. 'We Need to Get to the prime we kill him and all the MUTOs surrender. But we Need a clear path' godzilla says. 'Allright i'll ask my wife!' Rodan says. 'Wife!?' Godzilla says suprised. 'Yeah! Pheonix. We're engaged!' Rodan replies. 'Wel congratulations' Godzilla says. 'This isn't really the time..' godzilla says 'yeah let's go!' Rodan yells.

Pheonix and rodan BURN a straight path towards the prime. Godzilla charges at him and throws him on the ground. He breaks of one of his teeth and blasts him with an attomic blast. Knocking him on the ground. But he Fires a soundwave that breaks godzilla his dorsal spines. Godzilla collapses on the ground. The prime smashes him down and hits him over and over agains. Godzilla Is in serious pain. But he doesn't give up.

He releases an attomic pulse wich Burns the prime severely. And he blasts one of his leggs of. He grabs him by the head breaks open the prime his mouth. And breaths attomic breath into his mouth untill the head falls clean of. Godzilla roars in victory and releases a giant attomic pulse killing all of the MUTOs.

Godzilla: the First godsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora