Blood of Olympus: Epilogue

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A/N- first off, if you haven't read BoO you shouldn't read this. Okay... I was really unsatisfied with the BoO ending so this is the epilogue that there should have been. This won't be super long but will have more than 1 part,

Basic info-
Leo and Calypso went back to camp half blood ( Calypso lost her immortality when she left ogigiya )

-Calypso's POV (a few days after they arrived at camp half blood)-

Leo was a wonderful boyfriend, he really cared about me and was really concerned, maybe to concerned...

-One night after dinner-

Me and Leo were swinging in a swinging bench Leo built at the edge of the Camp Half Blood's woods.

"Are you sure your happy with your choice, I didn't want to rush, or or pressure you. I mean you gave up immortality, and," Leo stressed for the 34th time today. This had to end.

"I've spent enough time on Ogi gi wa, to much time actually, that whole time I could have been here with you, where I belong. I have lived my life as a goddess and I've lived my life on ogi gi wa. Now all I want to do is spend time with you." I expressed passionately.

"I'm not complaining." Leo said and he kissed me. Most people get tired of Leo because they think he's annoying. I could see how he would be tiring but I'll never be tired of him. We broke apart and I walked back to the Demeter cabin where I was staying.

-Piper's POV (same time as Calypso's)-

MMy life felt perfect! Leo was back! (I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he died.) Every time I see him I'm overwhelmed with gratitude, In fact I'm really thankful anytime I'm with a demigod. Like right now I'm with Jason. We we're just about to go back to each our cabins and I went up onto my tip toes to kiss his cheek when my nose hit the bronze rim of his new glasses.

"Ow" I said as I held my nose.

"Oh no, do you need to go to the infirmary?" Jason asked

"Right, and tell them I've been injured by glasses. No thanks." I said and cupped his face in my hands and brought it towards me, Jason lifted me up and I have him a lingering kiss before heading back to my cabin, grinning like an idiot.

-Hazel's POV ( at CJ)-

The separation was hard, almost impossible. I wanted to march over to the Hecate kids from camp half blood and tell them to finish the portal right now, but here I was, waiting for Frank outside of the senate building as he finished the camp assessment meeting. Finally! Frank walked out looking truly regal as he walked down the white marble steps, the sun glinting of of his gold praetor badge. He ran his hand through his hair and looked worried but he smiled when he saw me. I extended my hand to give him the glass of apple cider I had brought him.

"Thanks!" he said

"Of course, so how's camp." I asked

"Well we are still putting together a mourning feast, and the absence of the people will make it's impact, but progress on the portal is coming along great." he summed up. You see because the camps are united in a trues we needed a way to go back and forth, hence the portal. The Hecate kids from Camp Half-Blood came over because they're experienced in this kind of thing. They have been working on it for 3 days and I was dying to see my friends. I spent the hardest, yet best summer of my 2 lives with them and suddenly we aren't together. But I have Frank and Jason is coming over in a couple weeks. I was most anxious to see Leo... you know since he DIED! A couple of days ago I got an iris message from Annabeth saying that Leo was ALIVE and there with some girl named, Calypso? That's the name of the daughter of Atlas, it was probably some mortal named after her. I looked back to Frank.

"Good. I'd like to go to Camp Half-Blood soon." I said as I grabbed his hand, and we started to walk. We ended up at the garden of Bacchus. I leaped up and was walking on the side of a fountain, now I was almost as tall as Frank. Hmm. I put my hand in the water, took it out and flicked Frank, splattering his shirt with water.

"Hey! Now you must pay your debt to the praetor." Frank said in mock sternness. He then leaned in and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me off the fountain as he twirled me in the air. We ended up with my arms wrapped around him, head on his chest under a grape arbor. I wish we could've stayed in that moment forever.


What do you think? I plan on doing Percabeth next :) <3 I have another PJO book called demigods in highschool, you might like it! please





I don't own any PJO or HoO!

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