Chapter 9: Recovering

Start from the beginning

WaterLilly: That's horrible!

GreenHoodie™: Guess gossip travels fast...

GrappleGal: If I only wasn't caught in the janitor's closet Junior Year with a book of Incantations & Prophecies...

SeniorWoodchuck: Someone seriously needs to teach them a lesson.

AdventureIsOutThere: Yeah... if only there were others that actually have the nerve to stand up to her.

WaterLilly: We only have five minutes left...

GreenHoodie™: Time travels fast. Anyway, who has Theology class?

GrappleGal: Me!

WaterLilly: Me.

GreenHoodie™: Cool, see you guys in a few minutes.


The bell rang, and the class started packing up their things. "So, which class are you off to?" I asked. "History, I'm going to die of boredom." Kendra groaned, swinging her purse over her shoulder. "It's probably just a course syllabus." I reassured her, while pushing our way past the crowd of students to get to the door. "Yeah, but still... later my friend!" she said, before leaving. "See ya!" I said. Luckily, I had to walk a few feet to get to Room 103. Poor Kendra has to walk all the way up to the third floor to get to Room 315. Wow, that must be fun... "Sarcasm noted." Lena laughed. I chuckled to myself, still trying to keep up with the sea of students. A few of them whispered to their friends as I passed by. News travels really fast, also people shouldn't take other's words to be true even if it does sound a little far-fetched. I finally made it to Room 103 saw Mrs. Haven sitting at her desk with a kind smile on her face. Honestly, she is the best teacher out of the whole school, but she has the worst temper. "Hello, Webbigail!" she greeted, smiling. "Hi, Mrs. Haven." I responded, while going to find a seat. I sat in the middle row, while more students piled on into the room, one of them being Lilly. She waved at me, and came over to join me. "Hi..!" "Hey, Lil! How was Study Hall?" I asked. "Ok, I don't really talk to anyone. I was mainly reading, until you all started emailing each other, you?" "I was mainly emailing you all, class was super chatty, and some people were working on homework." She laughed "Wow, I'm used to excessive amounts of chatter, I've learned how to block it out." "Is it just me, or does this girl sound like she's to pure for her own good?" Lena asked. "It's not a bad thing, Lena. That's actually very good considering what people do nowadays." Lilly waved a hand in my front of my face "Hey, you ok?.." I snapped out of my thoughts "Y-yeah, I'm fine." She sighed, placing a hand over my friendship bracelet "You miss her, don't you?" "Yeah, a lot; but I'm not stopping until she's back on Earth. How'd you know?" "I've heard, I'd like to meet her sometime..." More students came piling into the room, Louie being one of them. "Hey there, Loony Lilly!" a boy yelled, flipping her ponytail over her face. "I will not tolerate such behavior in my classroom! Go to your seat now!" Haven scolded. "Yes, Mrs. Haven." he muttered, then went over to find a seat. "One of the reasons why she's my favorite teacher." Lilly said, pulling strands of white-silvery hair out of her face. "Hellllooooo, ladies..." Louie charmed, sliding into a chair next to Lilly. "Hello, Louie.." Webby said, playfully rolling her eyes. "Hi..." Lilly said, awkwardly. "Don't worry, he's always like this. Always has and always will." Webby chuckled. "I see.." The bell rang and the rest of the class took their seats. "Good morning, class!" "Good morning, Mrs. Haven." the class replied. "Just like the rest of your classes, I am going to hand you all a course syllabus. Today we will be going over what you all will take away from this class for the whole year, and getting to know your fellow classmates." she said. "Webbigail, let's start with you first." The class started to whisper once more, I took a deep breath, and stood up. "Hi, I'm Webby! I'm currently seventeen years old and my summer highlight was probably diving into Serpent Lagoon, I even have a picture to prove it!" I dug into my binder to retrieve the picture. "His name is Lucas!" The class applauded, but a few of them looked at me with sketchy faces. "Thank you, Webbigail, Lilliana?" "Hi guys, I'm Lilly. I'm also seventeen and my summer highlight was when I went to the Mythic & Warlock Convention." "More like a nerd convention!" one student laughed. "Silence!" Mrs. Haven hissed. Lilly's face turned a rosy pink color as she felt everyone's eyes upon hers. "You can't let your enemies see that they have won, try a different route. ~Kendra." Lilly was just staring off into space at this point, but she gave the most shocking response. "Thanks, it's not a crime to be a little nerdy, now what about you?" "I-- uh..." he started. "Speechless eh, I'll give you time to think about it." "Oooh, got some ice for that burn?" Louie muttered. Lilly sat back down, while Mrs. Haven just smiled her student finally standing up for herself. "Llewellyn?" "Just, Louie. Yo peeps, I'm seventeen, and my summer highlight was when I established my first mini business." "Very nice!" Haven complimented. The other students went through the same ritual until the lunch bell rang, we have forty five minutes to eat, then come back to the previous class, then head to our final class. The hallway was bustling with seniors as we all tried to squeeze through the cafeteria doors. "I pray~~~, I pray for a better way.~" I sung (because of boredom.) "If we changed back then, we can change again.~" Louie joined. "We can be beautiful!~" Lilly harmonized. We finally made into the lunch room where we saw a tray fly across the room, hitting someone in the face. "Just not today..." we spoke in unison, while cringing. Lilly, Louie, and I joined the very long lunch line while watching another fight go down. Louie sighed "Another day in a pit of flames..." "Yeah, I now realize how idiotic fights are..." Kendra spoke. Lilly flinched and turned to face her friend "Dear Selene, Kendra! How long have you been standing there?!" "For at least three minutes now, but at least I'm not the only the only one with a musical obsession..." "So you're saying that your fight with Josy was a complete waste of time?" Louie asked. "Eh, maybe a little, but I had a good cause for it." Kendra said, looking at Lilly, who smiled back at her. "I'm talking about how students do stupid things on purpose then resolve in a fight." "She has a point." I said. "What's up, peeps?" Dewey asked. "Yo, Dewdrop!" Webby joked. "Ooh, good one!" Lena encouraged. Louie tried to hold back a snicker as Dewey's face turned to a burgundy shade. Kendra started to crack up, as Lilly had tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Stop it, guys!!" Dewey shouted, blushing even harder. "Ducktectives, much?" I asked. I soon saw Huey enter the cafeteria; I beckoned him to come over and join us. As he approached us, he glared at me in confusion on what was happening to his fellow comrades. "Um, what did I miss..?" he asked. Kendra put a hand on his shoulder "F-Flirting in a nutshell!" she managed to make an actual sentence. "Kendra!" Dewey and I exclaimed in unison. "This is adorable!" Lilly squealed. "I couldn't agree more, Lilliana." Louie said, taking pictures of the pair. "Send those to me!" Lilly laughed. "I don't have your number." "I'll give it to you." Lilly said, being very oblivious. Dewey slouched down into an anxiety like posture, blushing deeply, I suddenly felt bad. "Hey, you ok, Dewd- Dewey?" I caught myself. He looked at me and rolled his eyes "I saw that, and yeah, I'll be fine." The line started to progress and we finally made it to the kitchen where, unfortunately for Louie, they had hot dogs. "OH COME ON!!!" he screamed, earning a few glares from the lunch ladies. "Keep moving, Louie..." Lilly said, dragging him along. We managed to find a table amongst our section, while receiving obnoxious whispers and glares from other students. "Geez, do they mind?" I thought. "Tell me about it, Webbs... Also, I can't deny that you're slightly crushing on a certain blue duck." Lena smirked. I sat down at the table, where Dewey just so happened to sit next to me. "I can neither confirm nor deny without approval of the secretary..." I thought back. "Dewdrop? Seriously, Webby?" Lena laughed "I know a flirt when I see one, and don't try lying with Mission: Impossible, I know you." "Fair enough..." "Soo, Senior Prom is this December..." Kendra brought up. "Yeah, so? We're in September." I mentioned. "That's a whole three months from now." "Yeah, just saying." "I know Louie here has hooked up with many different girls for the past three dances." Dewey stated. "The girl you chose for our penultimate dance-" Dewey cut Huey off. "Aka, Junior Prom." "Was the worst out of all of them." he finished. "Can we just focus on eating?" I said, clearly annoyed, while shoving a hot dog down my throat. Louie gagged in the process "I can't believe you guys actually eat those!" "Not me, I'm vegetarian." Lilly said, then her expression suddenly changed. "Oh, look what the cat dragged in..." Drake approached from my side of the table. "Oh my Selene, tear this dude apart!" Lena grunted. "Oh, so you're back? I thought you would've been done by the first day." Louie said. "First of all, I came to apologize on how my ex treated all of you, Valsernia, Vanderquack, and Feathersmith." "Wait they dated?!" I questioned. "Ooh, the plot thickens..." Lena awed. "And your point is?" Kendra snapped. Lilly gave her an annoyed look, but she didn't care. He scoffed "Well I was trying to apologize, I guess all of you don't deserve my sympathy." Drake shuffled off towards his table, clearly annoyed. "Guys, you have to give Drake another chance!" I exclaimed. "When will you learn that your actions have consequences?" Dewey put a hand on my shoulder, I felt myself relax a little. "I trust you, Webby. Maybe you all should too." I smiled at him, slightly blushing at his comment. "I still don't understand why you trust that psycho, once a villain, always a villain." Louie said. I looked down at my bracelet, then looked back at him. "Is that how you felt about Lena?" I retorted. Louie looked at me with a surprised face, and pulled his hood over his face. "She's different..." "So what makes Drake worth all the hate? She put her past behind her, maybe it's time you all make amends with him, and let the past go." I said, fuming. "I don't know, Webby... Something is not right, I feel like trying to gain access to your vulnerable side, so you'll let your defenses down." Huey predicted. "I'm with Huey." Kendra agreed. "I feel like we should give him another chance, even though I barely know him, everyone deserves a second chance, right?" Lilly proposed, smiling a little. "I swear she's too pure for her own good." Lena muttered. "It's not a bad thing, Lena!" "I didn't say it was!" "Anyway, we have to leave in five minutes." Louie spoke "We'll deal with this later..." I grumbled, getting up to take up my tray. Soon everyone else started to take up their trays, meanwhile that lunch tray incident that happened earlier, was already going into a full swing fight. The surrounding students were already starting to endorse their behavior, meanwhile the lunchroom monitor had to settle everyone down, and break up the fight. "Soo, you guys ready for Theology part two?" I gestured to Louie and Lilly. "Ready as I'll ever be..." she said. "Ditto." Louie agreed. "Kendra, Dewey, we're going to be late for History class!" Huey exclaimed. "Chill out, Hue, we'll make it." Kendra retorted. All six of us walked to the cafeteria doors, and officially parted ways. As we got back to Theology class, we just went over some more basic guidelines, and what was expected of us as students. Occasionally, some people had the nerve to just be obnoxiously annoying. Even though my fighter instincts want to teach them a lesson, I still have learn to regain my composure, plus, I don't break promises. The bell finally rang, signaling students to move to their fourth period. "So where are you guys off to?" Louie asked. "Math." Lilly responded. "Hey, same!" I cheered. Louie rolled his eyes "How are you ladies so excited about math?" "I'm not excited about learning Algebra II problems, I'm more excited to be in another class with a person I know, y'know, social awkwardness." I chucked. "Ehh, fair point." Louie said, reluctantly "See ya geeks later." With one slick dash, he left the room. "C'mon Webby!" Lilly smiled, pulling me along with her. Lilly and I traveled up the stairs to get to Room 211. We finally made it after what seemed like thirty minutes of shoving, Mrs. Featherkins was at the door ready to greet us. "Hello, Lilly and Webby!" "Hi, Mrs. Featherkins!" Kendra waved at us, beckoning us to come join her at her table. "Are you all ready to have fun?" she asked, sarcastically. "Fun? What do you- oh, you were being sarcastic weren't you?" Lilly said, slightly embarrassed. Kendra nodded, I casually sat there waiting for the rest of the students to pile in. The final minute was ticking down slowly when the final student arrived. "Oh, hey!" Kendra smiled. "Good afternoon, Dewey. Please take your seat next to Kendra." she ordered. He walked over to join us, a few female students were swooned over his charisma as he walked by. "Hi there..." one of them flirted. "Hi..." Dewey said awkwardly. "Now that we're all seated, let me be clear, there will be no conflicts (physical or verbal) in my classroom, nor any use of vulgar language! If anyone breaks these rules, it's detention for you. This is your only warning." A few students whispered, all eyes were on our table. Kendra slouched down in embarrassment "Let this day be over..." "Remind me not to get on Featherkins bad side." Lena shuddered. "Duly noted." As time went on, we learned about the expectations of this class, and what we would take away from it towards the end of the year. I couldn't really focus through her lecture because something else was clogging my thoughts. My mind went back to Josy, and how long has she been keeping up her little scheme. I wasn't really involved in the school's gossip or cliques, but after something went down, it would always trace it's way back to me. Then again, I despise the school paper, mainly it's a way to directly humiliate fellow students. I'm glad we have formed our own little alliance, not to hurt, but help and protect. "Girl, you have gone out on a very long tangent." Lena noticed. "Mmhm.." Let's try to avoid Josy's squad for the better. Plus why was that girl flirting with Dewey? Soon enough the bell rang, and the students started to pick up their things. "See you tomorrow class!" Featherkins smiled. I quickly scooped up my things, and waited for Kendra and Lilly. "You all ready?" Lilly asked. "Yep, let's go." Kendra said, swinging her bag over her shoulder. "Same." Dewey agreed. The four of us departed the classroom and headed back to the first floor. We climbed down the stairs and pushed our way past some students to get to our lockers. Lilly and Dewey had to go their own way because the lockers are in alphabetical order. I grabbed my books, and slid them into my messenger bag. Yea.. I forgot I brought this with me. It has been a long day... I stood with Kendra while she was getting her books to take home. "Well, I'm off to detention, should be fun." "Sarcastic much?" I laughed. She laughed back "I can tell we're going to have a good year, as long as we stick together. See ya, Webbs!" she dashed off to get to her destination. "See ya!" I sighed as she faded into the crowd. "I pray for a good year." I went to go find the guys and Lilly, I saw them all congregating together in front of their lockers. "Hey yo!" "Hey Webby!" Louie greeted. I smiled "How was fourth?" "Ehh, Drake has English with Huey and me." Louie groaned. "That sucks." Dewey replied. "Oh, shoot!" Lilly exclaimed. "Hey, what's up?" Huey asked. "Kendra has detention, and she won't be able to drive me home until 4:00! I totally forgot!" "Maybe you should text her." I suggested. "Good idea, see you all later, bye!" she said, then scurried off, her ponytail fluttering behind her. "Bye!" we said in unison. She was soon lost in the crowd of passing students. "Well, time to go guys!" I said. All of them looked at me with hesitant faces, "Please don't kill us!" Louie begged. "Of course I won't kill you!" I smiled "Wow, that sounded weird..." "It really did, let's go." Dewey proposed. We walked towards the school's entrance, piled into my car, and proceeded on the route to go home. "I am going to take a nap when I get home." Louie announced. "Ditto." Dewey agreed. "I'm going to start my homework." "Of course..." I chuckled. "I'm really going to miss this..."

Well, that was so long... I was not expecting it to be so long. Gotta express all those creative ideas. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Webby and Dewey's feelings for each other start to grow stronger, will they figure it out before someone else does? Stay tuned to find out, signing off for now...

~Starlight Story

G: Pb wlph zloo frph, L kRsH bRx IlQg Pb LgHqLwB!!

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