Chapter 12

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Unedited because I'm tidddeeeee!!!! 😂 I luhhhh Yall tho 😘😘😘 ENJOY

Omniscient POV

Angela sat ona couch watching Frozen with Autumn. AJ had already fallen asleep so she put him upstairs. It was going on 1 AM and she was sleepy as hell. "Autumn Nicole, aren't you sleepy yet?" She asked looking down at her. She watched as she fought her sleep but still shook her head no. Ang chuckled to herself and didn't say anything else. She was preoccupied with my phone when she heard the front door close.

"Daddy!!!" Autumn jumped up and ran to him. He picked her up and she wrapped her small arms around his neck. "Autumn Nicole, what in the world are you doing up?" He asked in all seriousness.

"I was waiting for you." She batted her eyes and I knew then she wasn't about to get in trouble. Aug spoiled her rotten. He gave her the side eye. "Waiting on me? Is that right?" She nodded and kissed his cheeks. He kissed her forehead.

"Now I'm hea' so you can go ta bed right?" Autumn pouted but nodded slowly.

"You act like ya stubborn mama," Aug laughed as he carried her upstairs to her bed. "Can I sleep with you tonight daddy?" August rubbed his chin hair. "If you promise to stay on ya side. Wild sleeping as- I mean butt."

"Ooowww daddy." She held her hand out. Aug reached in his pocket and pulled out a $5, giving it to Autumn. Every time he swore, he had to pay her. You'd think he'd watch what he said around her but he always seemed to slip up. She had a total of $75.00 now but to her it was a million.

"My bad mama. But go get in the bed. I'a be in there in a min," he said kissing her forehead again and putting her down. He watched as she ran down the hall to his room before heading to the bathroom to take a shower.


I stood under the shower head as the water ran down my face. My mind when back to Jordynne and how much I missed ha yella ass. Something in me wanted to tell ha I'm still hea, that I'm coming back but I knew that would only raise questions and my past is something I'm not ready to discuss with ha right now especially since I told her I was out wayyyyy before we we got this far. I shook my thoughts and washed my body.

After getting out and drying off, I put on some red polo boxer briefs and my black polo pajama bottoms. I jogged down the stairs to see my mama still on the couch watching tv.


She looked at me and smiled. "Did you tell her?" I sighed looking down and shaking my head. "Na, I was going to but she was ona date."

She raised a brow. "A date?" I nodded. "Well what did you expect Anthony? She's been dealing with your loss for over a year. You knew eventually she'd move on."

"After what happened tonight she won't," I smirked. She gave me the side eye and I bust out laughing. "You know ya son got his ways. She won be thinking about another nigxa ANY time soon." She smacked my head. "I hope you used protection. It'll be ashamed if a dead man got ha pregnant boy." "Of course, but I'm a tell ha soon ma. I promise." I kissed ha cheek and hopped off the couch. I ran up the stairs to my room to find Autumn laying in the middle of the bed watching cartoons.

"Autumn Nicole!"

She turned toward me. "Yes daddy?" This little girl hea'. "La' guh ain't you supposed to be sleep?"

"I was waiting for you. We gotta talk daddy." I got in the bed and snapped the remote from ha. We ain't watching no cartoons 'roun hea. "What you wanna talk about la' princess?" I asked turning to Sports Center.

"When can you come home?" I sighed and muted the tv. I pulled her close to me. "In a few week alright? Then you, bruda, me and mommy will be a big family again okay?"

"Okay daddy," she said looking down. I hated to put her in the situation but I didn't mean for her to find out either. I didn't know she was up when I came home one night. I couldn't play it off, she saw it was me clear as day. I could only make her promise not to tell anyone yet. It seemed easy at first but then the la' nigxa blackmailed me into getting her some shoes. 😩. I couldn't even be mad. She ma daughta FORREAL.

"Look baby, I love you, bruda, and mommy very much. Y'all are my world. When daddy get the bad guys, I'll be back to y'all."

"Pinky promise?" I smiled as I wrapped my pinky with hers. "pinky promise!"

"Who's the best daddy in the world?" She giggled. "You are!!!" "Gimme some Suga." She kissed my check and got on ha side of the bed. I turned the tv off and before my head hit the pillow, I heard her light snores. I laughed to myself. She was definitely ha mother's daughta.


I bit my bottom lip anxiously wanting more. The way he put it down had me on a high that I didn't want come down from. He was gentle yet rough. My baby. I woke up to see my own hand between my thighs. Damn I thought it was real. Well at least a bitch can dream.

I squinted my eyes as the sunlight beamed on my face. I moaned as I throw my forearm over my eyes. I searched for my phone. It was 1:47 PM and I had missed calls from Shae, Mama Ang , and DJ. I made a mental note to call them back. As I moved to get out of bed, my body ached. I was so sore. What kinda a silver bullet do I own. As I stood up, my knees buckled causing me to hold onto the bed post. I must of had it on the cervix breaker speed I thought to myself. I finally got the strength to make it to the bathroom. I glanced in the mirror to see my hair all over the place but I had this glow. That's a powerful ass vibrator.

I bit down on my bottom lip seductively thinking about the previous night events. It seemed so real. I grazed my hand over my lips. I was in the process of pulling my hair up in a messy bun when I saw the passion marks all over my neck. What the hell? "How the hell?" I said out loud examining my neck. I scratched my head confused. Maybe something bit me? I know D didn't do it because I would have seen it last night. I mean I couldn't..... I didn't...... "DID I?!" My eyes widened as the thought of me having sex with a person I didn't know. My judgement was clouded. I wanted it to be Aug.

My head started to hurt. What did I do? In a panic I ran and grabbed my phone calling Shae.

"Bout time you called me. I was about to file a missing report on you," she joked.

"We got a problem."

"He found out it?"

"No no, but I think I sleep with him? I mean I don't know. I thought it was a dream and I heard and saw Aug but I know he's dead it just seemed so real. I'm not crazy or at least I don't think I am."

"You sound crazy to me. Did you check your cameras?"

Cameras! Fuxk I forgot about those. "Oh crap. I forgot about those. I'm going to check now."

Going down to the basement, I unlocked the closet door revealing the surveillance cameras. I focused on the camera in my bedroom. "Ohhh myyyyy gah!" My eyes widened as I watched what took place. I turned my head to the side in amazement. I didn't know I could do that.

"What what happened?! Jordynne !!!"

"Lemme c-call you back," I said slowly removing the phone from my ear. I then turned my attention to the other cameras seeing if I could get a view of his face. He walked directly past a camera but never looked up it took his hood off. I sat back in the chair as tears streamed down my face. I couldn't believe that I made love to a complete stranger. How do I explain this. Scoota gon kill me and Aug probably turning over in his grave.

Fuck my life.








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