Chapter 5: Near Death Experience!

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It had been about a week or so since Barry had returned, and things seemed to go from good to amazing in such a short amount of time: it was as if the old Barry, before all the chaos of the last few years, had come back and things had never changed between him, Caitlin and Cisco, even if that wasn't the case exactly. They laughed and chatted like old times, and even though Wells would have objected to that in fear of it affecting their work, he was surprised to find that it did the complete opposite, in fact they worked twice as well like a well oiled machine.

Caitlin could argue that Cisco was the happiest out of the two of them to have Barry back with them, because she knew he had his brother-figure back, even if Cisco already had a brother to begin with, and the two would talk about everything and anything sci-fi related or test out some of Cisco's new toys whenever they had the Barry knew when to keep Cisco in check as well when times called for it.

Cisco though would argue that Caitlin was more happier than him to have Barry back: she was lighter, more cheerful, and far less serious most of the time whenever Barry was around, and she seemed to light up around him whenever they spoke. Although Barry knew the root now to S.T.A.R. Labs, in no small part thanks to Cisco and Joe, Barry often found himself arriving with either Cisco or Joe, depending on who decided to give him a lift into work, but no matter what he always wore his signature smile and brought in coffee for everyone from C.C. Jitters everyday, just like how he would use to bring in drinks for himself, Cisco and Caitlin when they were in school together.

Plus whenever Caitlin was out saving the city from the latest crisis, or helping someone when needed, or if both Caitlin and Cisco did that: Barry was always there helping them out and encouraging them from S.T.A.R. Labs. Barry was like their source of good cheer and inspiration for them, he was rarely sad or angry in front of them and always seemed to find a way to make everyone feel better no matter the situation or the general mood. It surprised both Caitlin and Cisco how, despite all the bad stuff that had been thrown onto him in the last few years, he seemed to seemingly just move on with it and be the light hearted and cheerful self he had been when they had met years ago.

Caitlin soon arrived at Joe's place where Barry was staying until he could find a place of his own. Cisco had offered for Barry to crash on his sofa at his place, but Barry had respectfully declined, and Caitlin couldn't exactly ask Barry to stay at hers for obvious reasons: 1. Because they both had feelings for each other that they hadn't yet discussed in full since he came back, and 2. Her apartment wasn't exactly big, so Barry would have had to sleep on either the floor or the chair since she sincerely doubted that either wanted him to sleep on the bed with her...not that she didn't think about that of course.

She soon knocked on the door, and soon Joe opened the door and smiled a bit. "Caitlin. What brings you here?" he asked kindly, before Caitlin smiled a bit and said "I figured Barry would want a day away from work, if he was interested. Is he in?" Joe nodded to that as he pointed up the stairs. "Yeah, he's upstairs. Come on in." He said as he led her inside. Caitlin had been to Joe's place a couple of times with Barry and Cisco when they were in school together, but rarely came afterwards, something she regretted because she liked Joe, Iris and Wally a lot.

"Barry! You've got a visitor!" Joe shouted up the stairs, and Cait had to restrain herself from laughing a bit at that. She then heard a thump upstairs, as if Barry had fallen off his bed onto the floor or something, before hearing and seeing him come downstairs with a yawn, his hair messy from sleeping, and wearing the cuffs that Cisco had given him a week ago to keep Killer Frost from coming back. Cisco hadn't yet found another way to help contain his powers, so until then he had to wear the cuffs.

She smiled at him as he turned to see her, and he smiled back a little with a tired smile as he saw her. "Hey, Caitlin. You okay?" he asked before Caitlin nodded saying "I figured you would want a day away from S.T.A.R. Labs, so you want to head out?" Barry smiled a bit as he nodded his head. "Sure. Let me, uh, just get ready." he responded before heading back upstairs. Joe chuckled a bit saying "Well, that was easy. I thought I'd have to kick his butt out of here." Caitlin couldn't help but laugh at that a bit too.

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