Chapter 2: How It All Began Pt.2...

Start from the beginning

She had also found out that the same catastrophic event that had caused her to be struck by lightning and gain her speed powers had affected Cisco as well, allowing him to "vibe", as Cisco called it, glimpses into potential futures, or into peoples minds to relive certain events or memories, or allowing him or multiple people to travel from one place to another. It apparently could also be used as a handy little weapon against bad guys if needed. Naturally he had given himself a rather cool nickname of "Vibe", even if Caitlin did roll her eyes at that a bit at the name in slight amusement.

Naturally due to her scientific mind taking over her senses, she didn't quite believe her..."unique talents", as she called them, were real at the time until they had tested, and tested they were multiple times, each time surprising her just as much as the next. The fact of the matter was obvious now: she was now the fastest woman alive, she had powers that others would only dream of...and yet she felt completely unprepared with how to deal with them. It made her wish that Barry was still here right now, he would probably know...even if he would probably have joked about it at the time.

It did not take her long however to figure out what she could do with her powers: at first she wanted to just study them, run more tests on her newfound abilities, basically anything that seemed logical in her mind regarding this...however there was a part of her that told her to use her powers for good, to help people out. That soon did become the case however after she learned that she and Cisco were not the only ones affected by the Particle Accelerator explosion, as she had almost been attacked by a former CCPD officer that had been presumed dead, now causing problems for said organization by somehow using the weather as a weapon against them.

Despite this discovery that she was not the only one affected by the Particle Accelerator explosion like Cisco, she couldn't help but feel that they, S.T.A.R. Labs, had ruined a lot of lives because of that dreadful event 9 months ago, and right now she didn't know what to do herself. She knew that dealing with this "Weather Wizard", a name that Cisco had come up with, should be a matter for the police to deal with...however this was something far beyond what they could deal with, and something inside of her was screaming out to her that she should do something about it.

She was currently sitting in the Cortex right now, more specifically in her office, and she was looking down at a framed picture that had been taking years ago. The picture in question always made her feel sad, upset and lonely...but now, despite everything that was going on and everything that had gone on, all she could feel when she looked at the picture was a longing feel for one person in particular in the picture...because the picture in particular, was one of her with Barry and Cisco after one of Barry's musical performances, more specifically, the first time they had seen him performed.

She remembered it as if it was yesterday: Barry had given her and Cisco some tickets to a musical concert for that night, Cisco at the time teasing Barry if he was trying to get them to watch a "High School Musical" film at the time, as both of Barry's friends had known he was in the music group at the time, though this was before they knew he could sing. "All I'm asking you is to come and watch for me guys. If only as a favor to me." Barry had practically begged that day. Cisco seemed reluctant at the time, but Caitlin smiled a bit to Barry and made the decision for both her and Cisco "Of course we'll come, Barry." Cisco had almost tried to protest at that, but Barry was smiling happily at that and soon began heading off as he said "Thank you guys. I'll see you later tonight!"

He had then ran off to wherever he needed to, leaving a fuming Cisco and a smug Caitlin. Cisco complained to Cait on her making him go to the event, but Caitlin simply waved it off and said to her oldest friend "What is more important to you, Cisco? A night of doing nothing or going to the show to support your friend?" Cisco had to think on that a bit, but not for long before nodding a bit "Yeah, I guess you have a point." He said, though he was still clearly annoyed. Caitlin rolled her eyes and simply played to Cisco's childish behavior. "If you're lucky, there may be something to laugh at during the show, or lots of food to eat."

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