Chapter 1: Festivities

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Kyoto, some 1000 years later

The yokai are all around a massive stone, all carrying lanterns. They all let them fly, watching as they drift upwards, lighting up the stone with soft lights. Gojira lets his lantern go, his lit by his atomic breath. It floats up, higher than the rest. Gojira stares up at it, before throwing back his head and firing an atomic breath straight upwards, lighting up the sky and parting the clouds, allowing the lanterns to drift safely upwards.

      He then inhales, and lets out a booming roar. The lanterns are pushed upwards into the air, and soon are little glowing dots in the distance. Gojira smiles, before he nods to Yasaka. She smiles before signaling to her subjects.

"Let the festival begin!"

      Cheers erupt all around, and the festivities begin. Drinking, arm wrestling, chatter erupts around Gojira, and he chuckles. He remembers his past on Monster Island, playing with Junior and the others. A sad smile spreads across his face. A hand suddenly pats his soldier. He turns to face a rather muscular tengu.

The tengu smiles heartily at Gojira

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The tengu smiles heartily at Gojira.

"You owe me an arm wrestle, old lizard."

"It's on, crow man."

Some nearby yokai pale and part as the two walk up to their special arm wrestling barrel. They wind up their arms, before placing their arms on the barrel. They grab each other's hands. Yasaka gently put her hands on them before shouting:


A massive shockwave occurs, as the two men try to overpower the other. Cracks spread around them, and blood veins bulge in their arms. They also send powerful ripples of magic, alerting the factions to their presence.

      Mothra raises her head, frowning

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      Mothra raises her head, frowning. Rodan, stands up and smiles, along with a certain red head. Ghidorah grins, licking her fingers, a bunch of stray devils lying dead at her feet. Slowly, Gojira begins to lower the tengu's fist. With an almighty slam, the earth beneath them shatters, and the barrel breaks in half. The tengu is thrown to the ground, and Gojira lets put a roar of victory. He lowers his hand to help his friend up.

All the women: "So chivalrous and manly!"

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All the women: "So chivalrous and manly!"

      The tengu grabs his hand and stands up. They fist bump. The tengu grins and slings his arm over Gojira's shoulder.

"You little bastard, you were holding back on me weren't you?!"

"Not a lot actually, you nearly had me their."

"Aww, your making me blush."

Ladies: *Having nosebleeds because of yaoi fantasies*

"Well, I gotta go. Can't keep the wife waiting."

"See you, Buredo Uingu."

"See ya, Gojira, True King of the Mosnters."

The tengu spreads his wings and flies off, landing someplace far off, where he greets his human wife and his daughter.

The tengu spreads his wings and flies off, landing someplace far off, where he greets his human wife and his daughter

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"Father! You were so cool! I've never seen Mr. Gojira's face so strained before!"

"Haha! I know right?! I'm gonna train more rigorously now. Well, now it's time to bench press Mount Everest!"

The family laughs, before they walk off to enjoy the rest of the festival.

In the realm of the dead

       Hela, Hades (fem) and all the other Gods of the Dead, (all fem) carefully watch as the chubby spectral image of Godzilla Junior frolicks in the Fields of Elysium, splashing in the waters near the Isles of Blest, and playing with some of the deceased heroes. They all smile, very rare, and always a thing to be cautious about.

      They had been convinced (read: threatened) by the main gods of their Pantheon to make sure no one took the infants soul, lest they want an inraged Godzilla to rampage around destroying everything. They did not want more wailing souls. They giggle as Junior sneezes and sends two small jets of atomic flames out of nostrils, causing a poor poplar tree to burn to ashes. He cautiously looks around before slowly walking away. He looks up at the ceiling.

"I miss papa. I hope I get to see him soon."

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