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The Three factions watch in horror, as the Burning Titan charges across the battlefield, firing beams of Red Spiral Ray that decimate massive chunks of their armies. The Heavens suddenly opens up. A man with white robes and a white beard descends, along with a massive moth like beast. Gojira's glare becomes more intense by a tenfold. He snarls in fury.

"Gojira! You have killed too many of my precious creations! Suffer my wrath!"

The man summons a massive thunderbolt, which strikes Gojira directly on the top of his head. The King of the Kaiju grins demonically, before he absorbs the charge, and unleashed a Beam crackling with fiery energy and electricity, blasting a hole through God's chest.

God collapses to his knees, coughing up gouts of silvery white blood. The moth like being shrieks in anger and dives towards him. The Alpha Predator rolls his blazing eyes, before swinging his tail around and smacking the insect like Titan out of the air. He snarls, before slowly marching away. A blast of magic smacks his in the side of the face, and four people fly up to his head.

"Gojira! You will pay for killing members of my race!"

The Titan huffs, before he lashed out and snaps up the man, before unleashing an Red Spiral Ray that killed the three others. With one final roar of hatred, Gojira plunges back into the seas, to restore all that was destroyed in the petty war.


Gojira awoke with a huff, sensing many individuals crying out for help. He sensed the voices in the underworld. He opens a portal, which he could do after eating that devil, and passed through it, entering the seas of the underworld. He senses a massive crowd of nekomata, standing on a cliff. A group in the billions. With a vicious snarl, he detects a massive army of Devils. He rises from the waves, before letting out a booming roar.

The nekomata recoil in terror, but soon see the object of the titans glare. His spines glow, before he fires his atomic breath, burning away twenty battalions of Devils. He plunges his hands into the sea, and pulls out a massive boulder. He then tosses it. It lands between the army and the nekomata. He quickly opens a portal to the yokai faction. He nods towards the portal, and the nekomata flee through it. They arrive in what would one day be Kyoto. The Kaiju steps through, and vanished in a pillar of light. Standing in its place is a man.

He calmly stares at the nekomata

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

He calmly stares at the nekomata. His eyes dart to their right, where two women appear.

 His eyes dart to their right, where two women appear

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.


Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.


The woman with the green gem in her forehead hugs the Alpha Predator. He smiles.

"Hello Caesar. How are you?"

"How am I doing?! I wake up after one hundred years and find out that Junior is dead! An you killed God and the Four Satans. Goji, I'm more concerned about you!"

"I'm fine. Luckily, Junoor went to the Afterlife in peace, and won't be revived as a tool. I made sure Amaterasu would do it."

Caesar sighs, before kissing him on the cheek. She lets go of him.

"Well, well take care of them. See you soon."


Suddenly, someone tugs on Gojira's pant leg.

Suddenly, someone tugs on Gojira's pant leg

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"Hello little one. What is it?"

The young nekomata then hugs Gojira. He jumps before smiling.

"Thank you for saving us."

"Your welcome. The Yokai are on of the few factions is still like. I'll return to check up on you all every now and then."

Soon, all the nekomata start to clamor, saying that he should return every year, so they could throw a big festival. Gojira chuckles and agrees, and they all cry out in happiness. The Kaiju King soon turns to leave.

"I'll be leaving now. Today is the day I savedved you all. How about this can be the day you celebrate the festival. I need to go, before the Thre Factions come after me, but next year, on this very day, I'll return and celebrate with you. Farewell!"

"Farewell Gojira, our savior!"

The crowd cries out, as the Kaiju steps through a portal.

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