Chapter 3: Talking with the Dead

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Gojira walks down a dark, cold corridor, but soon comes across a dark, black river. He hears a whistle and turns to see Charon smirking at him.

"Lord Gojira! It is good to see you! Coming to visit the son?"

"Yes! Here's my payment."

    Gojira pulls off one of his scales, and tosses it to Charon, who catches it with his bony hands. He smiles as he observes the scale, turning it over.

"You know, milord, you no longer need to do this."

"I do. But you constantly have to ferry across souls every single days and night. Without a break. So you détestée some good payment."

       The Ferryman nods, before signaling to him and they get in the ferry. They glide over the surface of the Styx. Gojira watches as several random discarded items float past. Soon, they arrive at the other side, and Gojira hops off. As Charon departs, the two salute to one another. Soon, Charon disappears into the mists.

       Gojira turns around and continues in his path, soon he arrived in Elysium, and he jumps into the waters. He powers through them and arrives at the Isles of Blest. He soon hears the heavy footsteps of baby Kaiju, and feels a heavy weight flatten him to the ground.

"Papa! Papa! Papa's here!"

"Hello my son."

He hugs Junior's midriff, before pushing the baby off of him.

"Papa! Uncles here!"


"He means me... brother."

      Gojira looks up and stares in shock at the owner of the voice, tears welling up in his eyes. A crest of spiked that shielded his ears, a spiky, plated shell and and long tail with a club at the end. A large, fanged grin spreads across the entity's muzzle.



Gojira stands up and hugs Anguirus's foreleg.

"Why haven't you talked to me before?"

"You were having a joyous reunion before. I couldn't interrupt that."

"Even in death, you are as stubborn as ever."

"Hey, that's what makes me, me."


Gojira wipes the tears from his eyes. He smiles.

"Well then Anguirus. This my order to you! As long of the Kaiju, I order you, Titanus Anguirus, the one who fought beside me for millions of years, to be the new guardian of my son, Junior. Until we can find a way to possibly bring you two back, you are to defend him."

Anguirus nods.

"Will do, milord."

"Thank you. My times here is up, but hey Junior, did you like the gifts?"

"Ya! All the lanterns were fun to play with!"

"He burned something didn't he?"

"Yep. Several poplar groves and a bit of Persephone's Garden. She wasn't mad though, since he's a baby."

"As I expected."

Gojira salute to Anguirus, who salutes back, and turns away to keep an eye on Junior. And Gojira starts his trek back to the surface.

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