55; Never Really Over

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a couple more chapters till the finale! woohoo!!

THE ONLY NOISE THEY HEARD WAS THE CHEESY MOVIE, everyone was dead silent. Most were focused on the movie, but there were two particular people who weren't. It was Maeve and Bucky. The only reason they weren't as engaged in Roman Holiday as the rest of the group was because they were too busy making eyes at each other with the other knowing.

Sooner or later, the movie finished just as everyone started to fall asleep.

"We should do this more often." Sam laying comfortably on his futon. "Do what more often?" Wanda asked as she sat up from her bed to look at him.

"This. Uhhh..sleepover." He replied, Wanda beamed at his answer. "We definitely should."

"If only Scott and Bruce could join us." Dominique added. There was a chorus of agreements.

"Alright, I'm hitting the hay. Goodnight, guys." Maeve finally said after a moment of silence from everyone. There were a bunch of 'good night's and 'sleep well's following suit.

Bucky woke up, heaving heavily. His chest rose up at down at an alarming rate. He needed to calm down, it was those nightmares again. Those goddamned nightmares. Bucky could almost cry at what he saw in his dream. All his friends, murdered, just because he turned into the Soldier again. Sam, Bruce, Dom, Maeve, all gone because of him!

Bucky, teary eyed, crept out of the room to compose himself. Otherwise he would have broken down and woken everyone up.

Maeve was a light sleeper, she was also the most paranoid woman on the planet. Her eyes snapped wide open the moment she heard the door shut.

'Intruder!' Was her first thought. Then, she looked around the pitch black room to find nothing. The only thing missing was Bucky.

Where was he?

Maeve's first and most logical explanation as to why he was missing was because he probably was getting some water or going to the bathroom. So she waited for a couple of minutes to see if he really was doing what she thought he was. He didn't come back after 20 minutes, no one needs to drink water or go to the bathroom for that long, so she grew worried.

Maeve couldn't stand the thought of not knowing something for sure. Why did she care about this? She had no idea.

Maeve tiptoed out of the room, being extra careful as to not wake anyone up. She searched the kitchen, her old room, his room, Dom's room, and the training area. She even checked the lab but she knew he didn't like it there.

The only place left was the roof, and that was their special place. What could he be doing there? Maeve told herself to stop looking for him if he wasn't on the roof. So, she climbed the ladder, jumped on the aircon vents, and made were way onto their special spot.

Lo and behold, it was Bucky sitting on the very edge of the building. Maeve remembered that the last time it was like this, they were preparing for the battle on Mars against Seraphina. He had helped her so much, calming her nerves and making her feel safe.

"Bucky?" She called out, quietly. He whipped his head around, but sighed in relief. It was only Maeve.


It was Maeve!

"Oh, what are you doing here?" Bucky asked, turning the direction of his body to her. She sat down on her knees and shrugged.

"I was just coming out here to think." Liar. You were out here because you were looking for him.

Bucky nodded, understanding. "Well, I can scoot a little closer and you'll see the lights of New York if you want?"

Maeve looked at him for a moment, starstruck at his offer, before quickly scurrying to him.

"Yep, of course. Of course."

They kept a distance between each other, but they were still close enough that Bucky could smell the pleasant, familiar scent of her beautiful perfume.

"This city really does never sleep, does it?" Maeve remarked, her eyes reflecting the many lights that illuminated the city.

"Yeah. It's breathtaking." Bucky added, she grinned at him answer.

"I missed this." Maeve finally admitted, almost sadly. He turned to her, "What? Missed what?"

Maeve let out a deep sigh, "Well, us." Bucky was taken aback.

"No." He said, Maeve was surprised by his answer. His sudden indifference of their relationship hurt her.


"Maeve, you can't keep doing this to me!"

She was silent for a moment, eyes a little wide. "What?"

"Now you like me?"

"What are you talking about?"

Bucky was on his feet, while Maeve was still seated, the lights in the city almost looked like stars if it weren't for the the two people blocking the view.

"Maeve-" He started, only to choke up on his own words. Bucky wanted to tell her but the words wouldn't come out. "I-" It was as if his tongue refused to cooperate.

"I was in LOVE with you, okay?! I was so, so in love with you. More than you loved me." Finally, he said it. It was something she probably knew.

"And you didn't love me back." He sadly concluded. "Now I'm ready to give up and I'm  trying to move on with Dom. You're only trying to build me up to like you all over again just so you can break me down."

Maeve was still sitting, unable to move.

"I'm done, Maeve. I'm done." He turned on his heels to walk away, but he was stopped by a warm hand on his.

"Wait!" Maeve yelled. She was so close to him, her long, dark hair cascading down to his elbows where he had reluctantly and unconsciously held her back. She grasped his arms tightly, tears in her eyes.

"Kiss me and if you feel nothing, I'll let you go."

"What-" before he could react, her soft, plump lips were on his again. It was like everything and nothing mattered, all at once. His desires were too strong and he finally gave in. This is what he had always wanted after all.

Everything he had just said to her was contradicted by this one kiss. She pulled away, to search for something, anything in his eyes. They were unreadable, so that must mean he felt nothing. Saddened, Maeve let out a deep breath and was going to pull away.

But she finally got her answer when he spun around and smashed his lip onto hers.

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