49; Even Dead, I Am The Hero

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holy shit we hit 9K! Thank you so much for reading!

P.S, sorry for any mistakes! I'm writing this on the airplane because I really want you guys to read what happens next in the story!!!

MAEVE WASN'T ALL THAT SMART, but she knew the solar system quite well. She thanked herself for being interested in space. It had been a few hours since she ran away from her team, and she regretted it so much. But Scott hates her now, everyone hates her now. There was nothing she could do about it.

This new power awakened inside her, it was stronger than anything she had ever felt. This new surge of energy broke down her veins and reconstructed then again, only this time is was indestructible. Maeve tore through space like a shooting star, and finally arrived on Xandar to look for some answers.

She walked straight up to Nova Corps. Maeve was surprise the energy of Xandar could hold down her radio waves so well. Without her RED, she couldn't really control the rate of her energy anyways.

"Are you Nova Prime?" She asked the white haired woman sat on big throne-like chair at the center of a huge hall. Nova nodded, "Who are you and...why do you possess ancient cosmic powers?"

"What? How the hell do you know?" Maeve asked, twice as confused now. Nova paled and swallowed a lump in her throat as she intensely stared at Maeve for a moment.

"Come with me."


"Relax, we will find her." Bruce assured Sam. "How?! There is no trace of her." Everyone had gone home after Mars, everyone except for Bucky, Bruce and Sam. Bucky was silent in the whole conversation. He stayed in a corner of the lab and stared intently at the monitor trying to search for Maeve, only for it to end up with nothing.

"Actually..." Bruce trailed off. He scurried to a monitor that was being unused. "Before Maeve officially got the hang of her RED. I had her follow some protocols before she could fully access her suit, when we first met her I implanted a chip in her in case anything went wrong." Bruce said, he got multiple looks of confusion, "This was originally for her and her only, so it's encrypted with a password. I don't know what it is but I hope we can guess it." Bruce finally explained. Getting the attention of Bucky, who was now determined to crack open the encryption.

"Okay...TONY?" Bruce called out to the monitor. "What's up, Banner?" TONY replied after a moment of silence, much to Bruce's comfort. "Oh my god! We thought we lost you!" Sam yelled into the monitor.

"Listen, Birdie. I'm an A.I now. Even dead I am the REAL hero in this." TONY replied, even though the monotonous voice masked the true intention of the A.I, they knew TONY was glad to see them too.

"And suddenly I don't miss you anymore." Sam mumbled to himself. Bucky chuckled to that.

"Do you know Maeve's password to the monitor?" Sam asked, only for the color of it to flash red.

"I can't share that information, Birdie."

Bruce rolled his eyes, "She's not here, we have to find her."

"Oh? What happened?"

"It's fine. She just flew off after Mars. After she lost you."

"I see. The thing is, I can't exactly tell you what the password is, my system doesn't allow that."

"Can't you override it?" Sam asked, the monitor remained red.

"No, I can't. But I can tell you that the password is five letters."

"What's the hint?"

Suddenly the voice of Maeve played, and Bucky felt a certain nostalgia wash over him.

"The most important thing to me right now." She said through the speakers. It was a pre-recorded message by Maeve herself.

"The most important thing...power...POWER! It's five letters." Sam yelled through the monitor, only for it to flash red twice and emit a loud beeping noise. Wrong answer.

"Fight?" Bruce said through the monitor. Wrong answer again.

Bucky facepalmed, he really had no hope anymore. They were going to be here for a long time.


"Train? She was really big into controlling her power." Sam said, still hopeful. But it was wrong...again.

It had been an hour already of the three men trying to figure out the password to her personal monitor. Well, more like two men. Bucky had been in the corner, giving up on finding the password, but still hopeful that some...miracle might happen.

"Come on guys. There has to be another way. We can just ask the Guardians or something." Bucky intervened. Sam and Bruce remained unfazed, yelling out multiple five letter words in desperation.

"God, I'm leaving." Bucky said to himself, heading for the door.

"Bucky, wait. You can't just give up!" Sam yelled. Suddenly, the three men were interrupted by the sound of a ring, and the monitor flashed green.

"Wha-" Bruce could barely finish his sentence before multiple charts and notes all relating to Maeve popped up on the screen.

"Access granted."

They were all speechless. "So it was Bucky all along?"

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