12; Screw Those Space Guys

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THE SPACESHIP SETTLED ON THE GIGANTIC HELIPAD MAEVE FIGURED WAS FOR SHIPS AS BIG AS THEIRS, the whole team went outside to greet them, Bucky pulled Maeve with him. "Tiny-Man!" A big, blonde man Maeve settled on as Thor. He looked a lot...bigger than she imagined, but it wasn't a bad thing. Thor pulled Scott into a tight, chokehold-like hug and Maeve almost swore his face turned blueberry purple. "It's nice to see you too, big guy." Scott greeted.

A small little raccoon on two legs swept past her and climbed up on Bucky. "How's it going, Grandpa?" The raccoon picked at Bucky's face, smooshing it around. "The Metal arm still for sale?" The raccoon focused on Maeve;
"New girlfriend, huh? She's cute. The glowy thing on your chest on the market? Nice to meet you, most people call me Rocket Raccoon but you can call me anytime." The raccoon barked, everyone looked at Maeve expectantly, wondering if she would be offended, but she laughed. "Likewise, Rocket. My name's Maeve. And yes I will call you anytime, just give me your number." She said between giggles. Rocket jumped from the top of Bucky's head to Maeve's shoulder.

"Quill! She's mine! Sorry, love, my smelly partner thought you were cute." Rocket not-so-subtly whispered. A rolled up glove was thrown at him, making Rocket hang on to Maeve's sleeve.

"Sorry about...my raccoon." An unfamiliar voice said from behind Maeve. He was wearing a maroon-leather trenchcoat.

"I'm Peter. You're Maeve, right?" Peter held out his hand.

Maeve smiled, "Yep, that's me. Nice to meet you, man." She kept the urge to laugh as Peter blushed. Bucky was in the background and fuming, he didn't know why but he figured it was jealousy. Rocket jumped off of Maeve's shoulder and scurried to somewhere else. A vine-like arm tapped on Maeve's shoulder.

"Oh right, Maeve, this is Groot." Peter introduced, motioning to a live tree.

"I am Groot," Groot said.

"I am Maeve," Maeve replied. Peter gently pulled Maeve away to meet the rest of the guardians, much to Bucky's disdain. "Screw those space guys." He muttered to himself. Peter introducedMaeve to Nebula, who Maeve decided was an angry space demon, she was also introduced to Drax and Mantis. Maeve and Mantis immediately clicked, their similar, innocent personalities were a match.

Then the Wakandans came, Maeve was introduced to the King himself, T'Challa and his sister, Shuri. It seemed like Shuri had a thing for Bucky, Maeve saw that Shuri couldn't stop staring at him. After that, a limousine pulled up and out came Spiderman and Nick Fury. She loved Spiderman, in fact, Maeve considered herself a fan, so when she was introduced to him, Maeve had a big fangirl moment. "Oh my god! I'm a big fan, Spiderman!" She gushed, much to Peter Parker's delight.

As everyone settled in the tower, Maeve decided she would cook something, like a welcoming gift for everyone. She was pretty much done with restoring the lab and she realized that it was probably best to do something other than playing video games all day.

"TONY," She called out to her aid.

"What is it, Conner?" TONY replied.

"Can you google the amount of parmesan I have to put into my risotto?"

"Of course."

"Ouch!" She yelped, bringing the finger to her lips and sucking on it. Maeve waited for the blood to ooze out and the pain to kick in and when it didn't, she was confused. "Huh?" The cut had healed immediately, even leaving a scar. She had sworn it was bleeding just a moment ago and was completely in shock, still, she brushed it off as nothing and slapped on a band-aid just to be sure. Maeve knew it was not just nothing, and that something was very wrong.


Everyone gathered in the meeting room as they discussed the recent events going on in the universe. "Hey, so what's with the chick?" Rocket asked, he spun around in the meeting chair and polished his gun. "Yes, the rat is correct. Why do you let her stay with you? And what is that glowing thing on her chest? It looks like Tony Stark's arc reactor." Okoye said. "I'm not a rat," Rocket muttered to himself. Bucky leaned on the doorway as he listened. He felt Shuri's gaze burning into the back of his head. He knew the poor girl had a little schoolgirl crush on him.

"Ah, Maeve," Bruce said. He held up the hologram screen and projected a photo of her, "She holds highly radioactive quantum energy in her molecules. I supposed it's hereditary but she has no family left. I built that thing on her chest to stabilize the radioactivity. It's called an RED and you're right, Okoye, it had Tony's voice inside of it." This made the group very interested. "Can she use the energy as powers? Have you trained her?" T'Challa asked. Bruce shook his head fervently. "No. No way. She can't do that." He protested. "Why not? That maiden looks like she could be useful." Drax said. "Yes, I quite like her too!" Mantis agreed, her antennas glowing white. 'Maiden?' Scott mouthed at Bucky. Bucky shrugged in response, a bored look on his face. 

"Well, look at Maeve! She's barely 5 feet and she'd pass out with one of Rocket's punches!" Wanda argued. "Hey! I'm not that weak, lady." Rocket yelled a small pout on his furry face was present. The group laughed, mocking Rocket. 

"Sounds like she's not useful. I suggest you should make her an asset to your team or dispose of her." Nebula remarked. She looked around the room to see multiple people look at her disapprovingly. "Seriously, Nebula? She's here because we want her here." Scott said, his eyebrows were furrowed into a straight line. Nebula grunted, looking away. 

"Have you tried training her?" Peter asked, he played with his web glove. At the wrong click of his button, he released the webbing which shot perfectly onto Nick Fury's face. "Watch it, Spidey-Boy." He said, wiping the web off of his face.

"Oops! My bad!" 

"Hmm, training her, I never thought of that," Bruce said, "We'll ask her. If she wants to we will train her." 

FORTUITY ☆ B.BARNES ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora