54; Language Of Averted Eyes

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Maeve jolted awake from her nap, "Wh-what's weird?" She asked, her head messy from laying on the uncomfortable chair. "Still no signs of Xandarians. It's been a week."

She chuckled, "Well, I bet they'll come to us when we least expect it."

"Still, you gotta rest. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday. You haven't sleep for like what? Three days?"

"I take naps!" Maeve protested.

"It's not healthy, what you're doing. Just because you're probably the strongest out of all of us doesn't mean you're invincible. Maeve, you're still part human." Sam interjected. He had been standing in the doorway for a while now, listening in on the conversation.

"Maybe you guys are right..." Maeve finally gave up.

"Thank you. Now, what makes you think the two of us can't take on a little patrol?" Sam joked, monitoring towards him and Bruce. Bruce sighed, massaging his temples, "We have to stay awake, TONY will alert us when something enters our atmosphere, but we can't be caught off guard."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." said Sam. Maeve bid the two men goodnight and wandered through the large hallway, back to her room. Thankfully, she had managed to get herself an upgraded room from Sam, in his desperate time to get her to rest. Now, he was probably regretting it. The bright side about it was that she was on the highest floor, her very own floor with peace and quiet. Also, the room was way bigger with it's own mini-bar. She didn't really drink all that much so Maeve had let Rocket raid everything, before The Guardians left a couple of days ago.

She collapsed on her bed and sighed, "This feels so nice." Maeve muttered to herself.

Before she could fall asleep, she was interrupted by FRIDAY.

"Ms. Conner?"

"What is it, FRIDAY?" Maeve mumbled, her voice muffled by a pillow.

"Ms. Maximoff requests your presence. Immediately."

Maeve shot up, she had assumed Wanda was in danger, and so she slipped on whatever was closest to her (which was an Iron-Man pajama set) and headed to a lower floor.

"Wanda?!" She asked, her hand clinging to the doorway for dear life as she almost gave herself whiplash.

"Oh! Hey!" She greeted. Dominique, Bucky, and Scott were in her room.

Bucky almost paled.

"Oh! Uh..FRIDAY said you called?" Maeve asked, now confused. She looked around the room, there was popcorn and soda. Everyone was in their pajamas.

"Yeah! We're having a sleepover in my room. To...ease our tension after Xandar."

"We're just relaxing, now." Scott added. Maeve nodded with her mouth agape.

"We were wondering if you wanted to join us." Dominique said excitedly. Maeve paused for a moment, looking at her four teammate. "Well, I guess so." She finally concluded after a split second of thinking.

"Yay!" Dominique clapped her hands. Maeve held up her finger, everyone froze. Suddenly, a green light surrounded her and she was gone in a flash.

Everyone in the room was confused.

Then she came back with a backpack full of things for a sleepover.

While everyone was still starstruck, Wanda scoffed.


Bucky was surprised at her power. She had never done that when they were still...friends.

"I've got face masks, junk food, and movies." Maeve happily announced. "What movies?" Scott asked, now intrigued. "Everything! You can chose." She told him, in hopes of having him be her friend again.

He was about to reach out and get her movies in her hand, but it was the same hand that had grabbed his neck and nearly killed him. Suddenly, the memories of that day flooded his mind and he swiped his hand back to himself. Scott did feel bad as he looked at her and noticed the melancholic look in her eyes, so he tried his best not to look her in the eye.

"Anyways..." Maeve trailed off, covering up her sadness with a grin, she took out six plastic sheets. Bucky had no idea what it was, neither did Dominique.

"Oh, my daughter does do those things, but they look weird on her face." Scott beamed. He had some idea of what it was.

"Yes! You got my favorite brand too!" Wanda exclaimed, the two girls had frequented sleepovers before, and skincare was one of those things they always did. "Yep, you can do it now." Maeve told her, Wanda smiled and rushed to her bathroom to go and wash her face.

"What...is this? Like, what do we do with this?" Bucky asked, nudging the masks with his finger. He caught Dominique staring at him, "Hm?" He said, as if he was asking what she was doing. Dom shook her head, "You're just really cute." She told him, kissing his nose. Bucky tried his best to smile back, but the guilt of what he had done to her had refrained him. All he could manage was a shaky grin that looked like he was more pained than anything else. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Maeve averting her gaze. So, he tried his best not to look at her either.

"I can help." Maeve told him once Wanda got back to clear the tension. Scott was already off washing his face too.

"Oh, uh- sure."

"Bucky, I promise this is one of the most relaxing things you'll ever experience." Wanda told him, then she proceeded to put on the wet mask, freaking him out.


Maeve helped all three people put on the face masks, they left it on for about 20 minutes before taking it off. In those 20 minutes, they had talked about everything and anything. From Bucky's HYDRA days to Maeve's time as a barista.

After that, Scott had to switch with Sam so Sam could rest. "Why do I always get the graveyard shift?" He whined.

Sam had now joined their sleepover and it was time to watch vintage movies. They all agreed on one cheesy romance movie, mostly because all the girls wanted to watch it and the boys were too tired to argue.

Wanda was on her bed, since it was her room after all. Sam had laid out his own futon on the floor and was wrapped up in a blanket burrito all by himself, he looked cozy. Bucky and Dominque decided to watch from Wanda's big couch. Maeve was on the floor with her futon as well, only she had at least six pillows to keep her comfy.

Every now at then Bucky and Maeve caught each other staring. The silence was killing him, why were they acting like everything was alright?

Everything wasn't alright.

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