43; My Girl

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 The memory of seeing Bucky kiss someone else seemed to burn into Maeve's mind. Of course, she was definitely not jealous. Definitely not.
But something about Dominique made her feel so insecure. Probably because compared to Maeve, Dom was a goddess. The perfect blue-eyed blondie. She looked at herself in the mirror, and was disgusted by herself, but at least all the exercises were paying off well.

A knock on the door made her whip her head to the person. It was Scott.

"Hey." He said, smiling half-heartedly. Maeve smiled back, but he could tell she was feeling the opposite of happy. "Soooo..." Scott dragged.

"Sooooo?" She repeated, in a curious voice.

"Dom and Bucky are together now." He says. Maeve was shocked, but could she really be surprised at this point?

"I....know." Maeve replies. Wow. Lie. 

"You do?"

"Yeah, I was one of the first people to know." She bragged. Lie, Lie, Lie. You were the last person to know. The little voice in her head wouldn't shut up! Maeve couldn't bear to lie straight through her teeth to Scott. She knew he wasn't convinced. Scott held back a scoff, "Okay." He says, rolling his eyes subtly. 

"So that means you know Mantis caught the making out in the living room?" He tests, crossing his arms. What? Seriously? Maeve nods slowly, processing the information as she continued to lie. "Uh huhhh..." She followed, trying not to bring her hands over her mouth cause of the shock.

"Aaaand they announced it to everyone at breakfast this morning?"

"Ah!" Maeve interrupted, holding a finger up almost excitedly. Scott looks at her with his icy blue eyes. "I was not at breakfast. I was still asleep." She says as a-matter-of-factly. He knew she was lying, Maeve had a tell. It was cartoonish, sure, but it was most definitely a solid tell. Every time she lied, her left eye twitches, just a tiny bit. If you don't look close enough, you could miss it. 

But Scott could never miss anything about Maeve. 

"Yes, but the thing is...how did you know? Everyone that knows has kept it a secret from you, because Bucky specifically told everyone not to tell you." 

He stated, sadly. Maeve felt like an arrow shot right through her heart. This strange feeling came right from her heart, and it spread like poison. The only thing keeping her in one piece was the fact that Scott was right in front of her. 

"He did?" She asked back, sounding more disappointed than she thought she would. There, he broke her, he solved her, just like an open book. Scott gave her a pity sigh, he rested his hand on her shoulder.

"Got you." He says, smiling. Maeve could feel the tears flowing, and she decided to let them. "Oh, honey." Scott coos, pulling her into a tight embrace. She hugged back, tighter, sobbing quietly. 

"Listen, I'm sure they'll break up in a month, knowing the two of them." 

Maeve shakes her head into the hug, gripping on his hoodie. "It's not that." They pull away from the hug, she giggled a bit when noticing the 'O' shape he made with his mouth. "I am lying to every single person in my life. I lied to Sam about being ready for the fight, I lied to Bruce about having my powers under control, and..." Her voice started to break again, "The whole thing about breaking up to Bucky, me telling him I don't need him, none of that is true." She finally sobs. 

Scott hugs her again, only this time she couldn't hug back.

"I just knew I couldn't bring myself to lie to you." 

After they pull away, Scott clears his throat, nervous about the confession he was about to make.

"Actually, since we're coming clean about things, I have to tell you something too..."

Before he could speak, she smirked, a knowing look on her face. She stopped him and cupped his cheek, looking deep into his soul. Scott put his warm hand over hers, and grinned back. 

"I knew. I always knew."


As much as it pained Maeve, she knew it she had to leave her room at one point. She couldn't stay in there forever. She slipped on a big hoodie over her tiny tank top and extra short shorts. Maeve put on some makeup, but not a lot. She pulled the hood over her head and opened the door. Everyone tried their best not to sound suspicious, but they noticed the tired expression on her face. As Peter tried to engage her in the video games, she seemed disinterested. When Mantis and Drax asked her about normal life on Terra, she gave short replies, which was weird. Maeve was always a helpful person.

As she passed a hallway, Maeve was absentmindedly humming to herself while she listened to the beat of the song on the borrowed Zune from Peter Q. The familiar scent of a cologne made her freeze like a dear caught in the headlights. She didn't want to look up from her feet, because Maeve was afraid it would cause he to cry. If this was how it was going to be like always, then she hoped it would end soon and they would make up. But he's got Dominique now, right? 

 At least the sound of The Chain by Fleetwood Mac, was deafening her ears. And the big hood over her head blinded her vision from seeing an unreadable look from Bucky. She shoved her hands in the middle pocket of her hoodie, turned the other way, and simply walked faster. 

No matter how loud she played the current song, Maeve couldn't help but hear the disappointed sigh escaping his lips.

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