27; Three-Way Pinky Promise

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TO SAY HER FIRST FIGHT WAS EXHILARATING WAS AN UNDERSTATEMENT; she had experienced The thrill of fighting for the first time. Maeve wanted to do it again. Bucky, on the other hand, was a bit worried. He had noticed how much she picked up the energy of battle and how much she loved it. She merely killed aliens who wanted to harm her. Everything she did was in self-defense, he knew that if she went on with this lifestyle then she would know the pain of taking her life. She would soon know how it felt to kill a person in cold blood. Of course, Bucky would know, he was the Winter Soldier for a very long time working for Hydra.
Two of them sat in the living space with Maeve reading a book and Bucky enjoying A warm cup of hot cocoa. Nebula was curled up by the fireplace beside Scott who was taking a nap.
Bruce was nowhere to be seen but Maeve probably figured that he was in his lab, trying to find the cause of Maeve's "superpowers." Thor sat by the kitchen table with Sam, they seemed to be engrossed in an engaging conversation.

Peter Parker was currently visiting the tower during the short time that Maeve was there, The two had bonded over there and love of Star Wars and video games and pizza.
Peter was on his Nintendo Switch Christmas gifts that Tony had given him before. Among other gifts from Tony, he had cherished every one of them, but this was his favorite.
"What are you reading?"Bucky asks.
She looked up at him as if he was disturbing her but quickly smiled.
"American Psycho, have you heard of it?" She replied, nudging the book towards him.
Maeve carefully folded the edges of a page that she was on because she didn't have a bookmark Bucky took the book from her and examined the cover carefully.

"Looks scary."

"Well, I guess so. It's pretty satirical."

"Ha! What is it about?"

"Umm," said Maeve as she thought of a good explanation for the novel.

"It's about this guy, he's successful, he's handsome and rich, he's engaged to this beautiful woman, but there's one thing about him.."

"Which is?"

"He's a complete psychopath. The book is just about him making fun of people and then killing them."

Bucky let out a quiet laugh at her deadpan explanation, she seemed to genuinely enjoy the book as it was all she was reading for the past few days.

"I should read that, it's been a while since I've read a good book."

"Oh, you're missing out on a lot! There's an American Psycho movie too! Let's watch it together, Buck."

It was yet another calm day for the Avengers, apart from researching about the aliens and waiting for other blasts to rain down on Earth, there weren't many things they could do.

If Scott was being honest, he did not enjoy looking at Maeve and Bucky cuddle up against each other. He told Hope about his feelings for Maeve, and her advice was that he should spend as much time away from her as possible. Hope had told him she loved him once, but the more time they spend apart, the less she cared for him. He felt his mistake was telling Maeve that they were no longer friends, it pained him as much as it did her, though neither of them knew that.

To Maeve, he seemed uncaring and emotionless about the sudden rift in their friendship. It made her contemplate her worth, and her relationship with Bucky. To Scott, it was like she moved on in a night, as she went back to her perfect relationship with Bucky like she didn't bat an eye towards him breaking their friendship. As much as it pained both of them, their egos go the best of them, and they were not exactly on speaking terms.

Now, the 'intriguing conversation' that Thor and Sam were having was about Scott and Maeve, coincidentally. "So, they aren't talking. Some little fight, that's all you need to know." said Sam as he pointed a finger at Thor and emphasized the word 'you.' Thor gripped his shirt and feigned ignorance.

"Me? I like her, that Maeve. I don't think I'd say anything bad about her. Although she can be a bit shy, and scared of me. No matter, I am a god." Thor replied, almost triumphant at the fact he declared himself a god.

"Get your head outta your ass, man. I was told a secret, I can't break trust."

Wanda appeared from her room, dressed in pajamas. She knew full well what the problem was, but deep down she knew what she wanted, to hear someone admit it. "Sam, I have mind powers. I know the problem between the two of them. So you better tell him before I do." She says, joining in on the conversation.

"You're just bluffing, Wanda. Both you and this big dummy have no idea." Sam teased, leaning back on his chair.

"Hey! I'm not a dummy. If anyone's a dummy in this room, it's you." Thor retorted, crossing his arms and taking a swig at his beer. Wanda and Sam shared a look before both of them refrained from cracking up.

"So you're telling me I'm wrong about Scott falling in love w-" said Wanda, a smug look etched on her face. Before she could continue any further, Sam held up a hand, silently begging her to stop.

"Okay! Okay. You're right, I'm wrong. I'll tell him, happy?" He grumbled, much to Wanda's delight. Sam leaned in towards Thor, he held up a finger to his lips and as soon as Thor nodded, Sam whispered in his ear. Wanda watched as Thor went from curious to shocked, from shocked to happy, and from happy to worried.

"Are you serious?!" Thor yelled with an outburst, causing the entire room to look up at the three. Peter tilted his head in confusion and raised an eyebrow, before shrugging and continuing to play his Nintendo Switch, presumably to catch Pokemon. Sam and Wanda scrambled to close his mouth with their hands, "Shut up!" They whisper-yelled in unison. Thor nodded, staying still, and accepting the fact that both Wanda and Sam's hands were clamped on his mouth to prevent any more slip-ups. They stared at each other awkwardly, before they uncovered his mouth.

"Promise not to tell anyone, BOTH of you?" Sam asked, holding out a pinky. Wanda rolled her eyes, "Seriously? We're not twelve." She mocked. Sam shook his head with a small pout, "No, pinky promise, Captain's orders." He firmly stated. Thor choked at the fact that Sam had mentioned himself as 'Captain'

Wanda sighed, holding out her pinky, "Fine."

They waited for Thor to join in, but all they received was a blank look.

"I don't know what a 'pinky promise' is, but yes. I will do it!" Thor declared, proudly, sticking out his pinky as well.

FORTUITY ☆ B.BARNES ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu