Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Please don't take my sunshine

"What if he leaves us?! He can't leave!"

'He can't leave us! We can't be alone anymore.'

'We can always just eat him. Then he'd be with us forever.'

"No! We can't eat Hide!"

'Suit yourself.'

'I don't want to eat Hide. He's been good to us. Makes us happy. You shouldn't jump to eat everyone Hunger!

'Oh quite Reason.'

'I'm fine either way. Yes he's good to us, but he seems tasty too. Then again, humans always taste better than ghouls. If we eat him, can I play with him?"

'Sure Pain.'

'Thanks Hu-'

"Shut up! Just shut up! We're not eating Hide!" Kaneki was screaming at this point. He couldn't take it anymore. The only voice that was agreeing with him was Reason, but only because it wasn't driven on a ghoul's instinct or an after affect of his sessions.

"You are to never speak of eating Hide again. Got it?" Kaneki asked in a low voice.

'Yes Mukade. We won't do so again.' Pain and Hunger said this together along with a grumble directed towards Reason. 'Stupid Reason making it difficult for us...'

"Can't you just call me Kaneki now? That's the name Aunt Rize gave us."

'We're all Kaneki, Mukade. Just different parts.'

'Yeah, what Reason said.'

'I have to agree with Reason and Pain.'

'It's best if we're divided into sections Mukade. Together, all of us make up Kaneki. You're Mukade, the main part of us. You have the most control over us as to the fact that you are the original. I'm Reason, I help by logic and not instinct or harm. Hunger takes care of our ghoul instincts and Pain is the sadistic urges we feel occasionally. See? We all make up Ken Kaneki.'

'Yeah, I sadly don't have much say in this. The only time I really get to come out is when Mukade starts to loose control. Although when we get possessive over Hide, I get to come out too. I change my mind completely, we really shouldn't eat Hide.'

"Can you guys shut up now? I believe I've already told you to do so."

'No can do Mukade. Sorry, but you're nervous. You loose control more when you're nervous, remember?'

'Yeah, it's a lot easier for Hunger and I to come out when you're nervous or emotional and shit like that.'

Shit! Kaneki had forgotten the voices became active when he was real emotional. There was no way he was going to calm down soon though. His date with Hide was today and there was so much that could go wrong. He had never been on a date so those possibilities were even more likely.

Hide could decide he didn't like Kaneki anymore. He could leave Kaneki. He could tell him him that he never really cared. He could decide he didn't want Kaneki anymore because of how clueless he was on most topics. Kaneki could be found by the Doves. Hide would find out Kaneki was a ghoul and a dangerous one at that.

The last one wasn't worrying Kaneki as much as the others though. It was more that Rize and the staff of Anteiku always told him that humans shouldn't know he was a ghoul. He knew they were right. He's seen the wanted boards the CCG put up at their offices. He had no doubt that if a human found out about them that he'd be reported to the CCG and would end up most likely dead for escaping. But Hide seemed different though. He didn't seem like he would rat out a friend for being a ghoul. Maybe one day he could tell Hide about what he truly was: a one-eyed ghoul.

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