He slammed the four centipede tails into the door, breaking it down. He quickly started to jump up the side of the circular prison, bouncing and running along the walls to get to the top. It was rather difficult on his still healing body, but he had to get out. The alarm was blaring and the walls secreting the suppressant gas by the time he got to the top. He quickly killed all the guards and ran outside into darkness of the now twilight sky.

Where to go? He needed to choose quickly. The rest of the guards of Cochlea would be hunting him soon. The 20th Ward popped into his mind. He'd heard some guards talking about it as they passed his cell. It was supposed to be peaceful. Nobody would think the SSS-rated ghoul Mukade would be there. And with that, he began to run from the 23rd Ward to the 20th.

The boy arrived in the 20th Ward an hour before dusk. It had taken a lot out of him to get there, but he had to get away from that prison. He didn't want to be tortured anymore or be forced into the CCG's experiments. But, before he could rest his much abused body, he needed to observe his new area.

He climbed on top of a tall building and peered out at the sleeping city. It was quite and really did look peaceful. There were of course still a few ghouls still feasting, but it didn't look nearly as bad as the other wards he'd visited when he was let out to feed.

"Why do you smell like my sister and I?" A voice asked from behind him. It looked like he really need to rest if he didn't even here this girl come up behind him. Before he answered he scented the air, noticing this new person did in fact smell quite a bit like him.

"Maybe your sister was the one the CCG forced to bear me. They got a little curious about ghouls, you see? Decided to make and experiment on me."

"You're telling me that when my sister disappeared it was because the CCG kidnapped her and another ghoul to have a child?"

The boy turned and faced her before he spoke. "Sort of. When I was old enough to understand, I heard some guards from outside my cell. They said they felt bad about the investigator-I can't remember the name- who had to impregnate. Said it must be horrible not only too have his first child be a bastard and, I'm quoting this, 'the insane monster stuck inside a child's body.'"

It took the beautiful woman a while to process this. A small breeze played with her lilac hair as she contemplated what the boy had just said. It was hard for her to believe, but there was no other reason for him to smell like family unless he was family. The woman knew her parents were dead and that she had no other siblings, besides the older sister who had disappeared eighteen years ago.

"I'm Kamishiro Rize, but I guess you can call me Aunt Rize. No, that doesn't sound right. You can call me Rize. Who are you nephew?"

"I don't have a name. The CCG gave me a few pseudonyms though. I was first called One-Eye, but now it's Centipede."

"You're telling me my newly found nephew is the SSS-ranked ghoul Mukade?" Disbelief dripping from her voice.

"In the flesh." Childish laughter then followed this from the boy. "Hahaha! Flesh! Hahahaha!"

He had a giant smile on his face as he laughed.

"Well, you still need a name. It won't do you any good to advertise that you're Mukade."

"Okay, Auntie! I've never had a name before. I wouldn't even know where to start in naming myself. Most everyone dies after meeting me, so no one has tried to name me either. The closest I've gotten is the pseudonyms and sometimes people call me a monster. Hey, Rize I have an idea! You should name me!"

Rize was surprised by this kid. He acted very children like for his age and was probably insane. I wonder what the CCG did to him to make him like this, she thought to herself. He obviously needed training in appearing human. With the boys behavior now, she knew he would attract attention. That would be bad for both him and all the ghouls in the ward. She knew for a fact that he escaped from the CCG. Both his appearance and mentality gave it away.

"Hmm... You need a good strong name. Let's see...Kaneki Ken? Would that work for you?

"I love it! Thank you Aunt Rize!"

"Hey kid, knock off the aunt part. It makes me feel old."

"Pretty please Aunt Rize?"

Rize sighed. "Fine Kaneki-kun."

"Thanks again Auntie."

After the initial excitement of meeting his aunt and getting his very own name, Kaneki remembered how tired he was. It was a struggle not to fall asleep right then and there and sleep for a few years.

"Sleep Ken. I'll carry you home."

And with that, Kaneki fell asleep. Rize picked him and carried him to her apartment in the as dawn broke. He really looked like he needed a good rest. Probably be out until the next morning.

After arriving at the apartment, Rize placed Kaneki in her bed. Knowing that he needed it more than she did. It was rather strange what this young man was doing to the powerful Binge Eater, but she let it slide. There was just something about him. She decided to visit Anteiku while Kaneki slept, to see if they could help keep him stable. It was obvious he was a ticking time bomb, ready to go off whenever.

Centipedes in my earsWhere stories live. Discover now