Chapter 4

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Eren's POV

I woke up about a few hours ago, a tall woman with light brown hair and freckles came in earlier and gave me a plate with WAY to much food. I didn't want to eat it so she forced me to, lucky for me it wasn't poisoned. She made me eat as much as I could then she took the leftovers away without a word.

Now I'm just sitting here, alone with my thoughts, by now I would be out with my friends. At the beach, maybe even partying. But I find myself here, in the clutches of a vampire king, because of my mom's foolishness or at least I hope not... I wish I could say this is kinda ironic but it's not.

I don't know how long I was staring at the patterns on the cloth roof of the bed but I do know it's dinner time cause that basturd walked in with a tray which is most likely my dinner.

"Sit up, we have a lot to do tonight before morning." Levi says sitting on the bed with the tray in his lap.

He then lifts the lid revealing a plate with rice, mashed potatoes and a large drumstick. Accompanying it was a glass of apple juice and a glass of wine.

"That's for me." He says grabbing the wine and putting the tray on my lap.

I stare at the wine in his hand, something told me it wasnt wine. He soon noticed and raised an eyebrow at me.

"What? You wanna try it?" He says tilting the glass slightly in my direction.

I shook my head rapidly and began eating my food, not really feeling like making him upset by not eating. Besides even if that is wine I don't wanna be drunk around him although it takes a lot to get me drunk I don't know how strong that wine is. He smirks and downs the whole glass then turns to me.

"Good, I doubt you'd like the taste of human blood anyway." He says making my eyes widen, that was blood. He's basically drinking a person in front of my face.

I quickly turn my attention to my food and started eating again although my appetite was pretty much ruined. He walked over to the closet and started searching through it, I ate as much as I could and then downed the apple juice quickly.

I turned towards Levi who had a dress in his hands and my eyes widened in horror, don't get me wrong it's a beautiful dress but I can't wear that out. If someone from school were to see me in it my reputation would be ruin, but then again I doubt I'll be going back to school anytime soon.

"Go have a bath then put this on." He says laying the dress next to me, immediately I shook my head 'no'. He glared forcefully at me making my body shake in fear.
"Are you defying me Yeager?"

I didn't answer, I just curled into a ball on the bed hugging my knees. Before I could even blink he grabbed my leg and threw me off the bed, my head hitting the floor before everything else.

My vision blurred as my head throbbed in pain, I could slowly make out Levi leaning over me. His mouth was moving but all I could hear was the throbbing pulse in my head, suddenly I felt myself being lifted off the floor and over Levi's shoulder.

Slowly my vision returned and the throbbing calmed but it was still there none the less, I groaned rubbing my temple to make the throbbing go away. Levi set me down on the closed toilet seat and forced the night gown off me, by then the throbbing became manageable.

"Welcome back, now get in that bath before I make you." He says glaring at me.

I slowly nodded and leaned over the tub to prepare the water forgetting that I was naked and that Levi was literally right behind me.

It wasn't until I felt Levi's bulge against my ass did I realize my mistake, I froze in place as he slowly grinded on my ass gripping my hips to keep me in place.

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