Chapter 2

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Eren's POV

"Hey! Come back I won't hurt you!" I exclaimed chasing this Neko through the forest.

It refused to stop and just continued running deeper and deeper into the forest. I continued to chase it dodging branches and random rock pillars along the way. The Neko jumped through a bush, not a second after did I hear it scream in pain.

I immediately jumped through the bush and ended up in a clearing where the Neko laid on the ground with its heart ripped out. I walked over to the poor thing, it's eyes were wide open in fear as tears were steaming down it's face. I stood there in silence, if the stupid thing just stopped or if I ran faster this would've happened. It wasn't long till I realized something.

Lily was a little girl, afraid of the big wide world. She grew up, within her castle walls.
Whatever killed it was still out there, it could be watching me at this very moment!

Now and then she tried to run, then on a night with the setting sun. She went in the woods away, so afraid. All Alone.
I pulled my dagger out from my boot, waiting for something. Anything.

They warned her.
Don't go there! There's creatures who are hiding in the dark!

The voices of my concerned comrades echoed in my mind, but I pushed them aside. I should've listened to them, I don't have my stronger weapons.

Then something, came creeping.
Suddenly I heard a rustle from one of the bushes behind me, I turned to face. Ready to run, or fight whichever came first. Soon out from the bushes came a man with raven hair and sliver eyes dressed very formal, he was singing a soft tune...

It told her
"Don't you worry just, follow everywhere I go. Top over the mountains and valley low." He walked over to me, slowly, the way he was singing was beautiful and... hypnotic. "Give you everything you've been dreaming of."

Just let me in, oh~
He held his hand out for me, as I stared into his beautiful silver eyes I slowly reached out to him.

"Everything you've been wanting, gonna be the magic story you've been told and you'll be safe under my control."
Suddenly his eyes flashed red, I immediately tried to pull my hand away but he grabbed it.

"Just let me in, oh~"
My world faded to black, the last thing I saw was those blood red eyes staring into my soul. Next thing I knew I was alone on an icy lake, I looked down at the ice below me and saw myself. Following that man.

Just let me in, oh~
She knew she was hypnotized, and walking on cold thin ice.
I pulled my dagger out and started stabbing the ice, trying to break myself out of this nightmare. A mess of cracks appeared around me and then.

It broke, and she awoke. Again.
I fell into the icy water and closed my eyes. When I opened them again I was greeted by the man's back, I waited two seconds and...

Then she ran, faster than. Start screaming!
"Is there someone out there?!" I screamed out in hopes someone would hear me. "Please help me!! Come get me!"

I ran through the forest looking for any sign of the city. But then,

Behind her, she could hear it say!

"Follow everywhere I go, top over the mountains and valley low."
I didn't dare turn around, his singing didn't seem so beautiful anymore. I didn't even know what he was, was he a siren?

"Give you everything you've been dreaming of, just let me in oh~"
His voice sent shivers down my spine, my brain screamed at me to run but I couldn't move! Whether it was fear, his singing or both I don't know.

"Everything you've been wanting, gonna be the magic story you've been told," I felt his hands ghost over my neck, slowly I reached for my dagger. "And you'll be safe under my control, just let me in, oh~"

"Get away from me!" I pulled my dagger out and swiftly twisted my body around, stabbing him right in the chest. The man staggered back and screamed in pain.

Just let me in, oh~
I didn't wait to see if he was actually dead, I just ran. I glance behind me for a second to see if he was still there but when I did he was gone. All of a sudden I tripped and rolled down a ditch scratching my arm on a root in the process, I quickly got up but when I did all I saw was darkness ahead.

So I either claw my way back up which would be impossible cause my arm is bleed profusely or walk through in the darkness and get more lost. I didn't have time to choose however as I heard that sicken song again.

Watched in horror as that man appeared out of the darkness and walked calmly towards me. His face on the other hand said otherwise, he was done playing around.

"Everything you've been wanting, gonna be the magic story you've been told," I backed up trying to put distance between us, my whole body was shaking with fear. But my back hit the dirt wall behind me. "And you'll be safe under my control, just let me in. Oh~"

His hand went up to remove my hood, that's when I snapped out of my fear and ducked to the side. Bolting into the darkness without a second thought.

Follow everywhere I go, top over the mountains and valley low. Give you everything you've been dreaming of. Just let me in, oh~
I ran as fast as I could, my hood got pulled down by the wind but I didn't stop to fix it. Tears were streaming down my face, I couldn't die here!

Then she ran, faster than. Start screaming!
"Is there someone out there?! Please help me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping someone would hear me, suddenly I saw a house in a clearing . I ran for it hoping that the people that live there would help me. I burst through the bushes and saw Ms. Zoe, but I tripped and fell to the ground. She just smiled and waved at me.

"Just let me in, oh~"
Suddenly I felt something grab my leg and drags me back into the forest. I reached my hand out for her but she only watched as I got dragged off into the darkness...

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