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"She is beautiful, isn't she?" I ask Diego, who I know is standing somewhere and creeping up on me. I can hear him chuckle, but I don't care about that when I see a little smile form on Bellas face when she snuggles on to my blazer. My heart swells at the sight of her and I want to wrap her around me and rub of my scent on her, to show everyone that she belongs to me. I know that she probably hates my guts, but I can't help myself. I can't sit around her and see other boys ogling at her right in front of me.

"Yeah, fucking fit" Diego mutters before I turn around to punch him harshly. He groans, to which Bella stirs in her sleep. I quickly get away from the couch and start to make my way outside.

"The dude likes her" he speaks again, referring to Adam as the boy. I clench my fists at the thought, and the fact that I know it is true. I didn't miss him touching her at every chance he could get. Fucking creep even looked at her when she went to lay down. I was so close to losing my temper and kill him right then and there. I was more than happy when I had seen Khalid shut him up. Stupid fucking shit, that guy.

"He likes power too, it doesn't mean that he will get it" I respond, looking at Scar who was talking to Khalid. I guess they were both chattering away about something not job related, by the way Scar was laughing. Khalid didn't look that serious either, by the way he was smirking at something he had said. I shook my head at them, well someone was getting along.

"Scar found himself a friend, didn't he?" I mutter to Diego who chuckles at the sight as he watches me take out another cigar.

"Jealous?" he jokes to which I nod back, suppressing a smirk.

"You should stop smoking that much man" he speaks again and starts walking away.

"The last time someone tried to replace my cigars, I left the fucking country. This time, I will leave the world" I whispered to myself, as I felt the cold breeze hit my skin. I whistled loudly to catch Scars attention and when he did, I waved to show him that I was leaving. He nodded and waved back before turning his attention back to Khalid.

"They are talking about where they are going to spend the night, fratello" Marco whispered as he walked past me and into the warehouse. My ears perked up at that and my legs found themselves walking to Khalid without listening to me first. And before I knew it, I was standing right in front of him and he had stopped talking to Scar and was now looking at me.

"I was telling Khalid about Celina and how she thinks you are in Italy to-" Scar started until I cut him off; "Where are you staying?" I asked Khalid, who furrowed his brows at me.

"What does that have to do with you?" he asked me, with confusion lingering on his face. What does this have to do with me?

"We are a team now Khalid. Answer the damn question" I seethed at him, to which Scar facepalmed himself. He whispered something to Khalid before Khalid turned around to me and pursued his lips; "I am staying at a hotel with my sister and Adam. Is there something else you want to know? About when I eat and shit, maybe?" he asks, to which I can hear Diego laugh out loudly in the background.

"Bella isn't staying in a hotel" I whisper to Khalid and watch Scar as he strolls to the boys who are surprisingly having a great time talking with each other. I guess it's only me who hates people.

"Don't you fucking start Moretti. I am having a hard-enough time with not killing Adam" He answers me as he takes out his phone to check something. My heart burns with jealousy as I think about what he has just uttered. He has also seen how his friend is ogling at her.

"Look, I would like if Bella stayed at the mansion. It is guarded and safer than a hotel" I reasoned with him, even though I honestly didn't give a shit about what he thought. However, I know that if he agrees, Bella would be forced to come with me.

"With you?" he asks, looking at me closely. I nod, lifting my chin when he glares at me. "What makes you think that I will rather choose you over him?" he asks as if he can't comprehend the fact that I had just asked him to hand his sister over to me. It sounds worse when I say it.

"You know that I would protect her better than the boy" I speak confidently this time and I am on my way to insert an insult until I hear an angelic voice putting the devil in me in shame; "Khalid, lets leave?" Bella speaks without even looking at me. My body aches at the lack of attention she is giving me, but I know that it is for the best. Our paths has crossed as a mistake, and mistakes are removed not remembered.

"Yeah, sure. Wait in the car, I will be there shortly" Khalid answers her, as he smiles lightly. his eyes go soft immediately when he talks to his sister and his fists relax completely. He looks like every other brother when he talks to her.

Bella nods and leaves for the car that is parked in front of the warehouse. My eyes follow her as she turns her back and starts walking. Everything from the sway of her hips to the way her hair bounce is intriguing. Her footsteps are slow and graceful, as if she is walking on fucking skies. Fuck, she is beautiful. Just when I think she couldn't get more beautiful; I notice that she is still holding on to my blazer. It looks better in her arms than it did on me.

My trace of appreciating Bellas is cut short when Khalid clears his throat awkwardly. I close my mouth that was fully gaped and stand up tall again. I try to not look at Khalid who is also obviously cringing at what just happened in front of him.

"I talked to Scar about the plan and he suggested that you all go into hiding. I will have to fix a few things back in Iran, my family there. After that, I may think about handing my sister over to your mansion" Khalid speaks without looking at me. I nod slowly, processing the information. He looks at me before calling for Adam and pointing to the door. I can already see Diego talking to Bella, making her giggle out loudly. The familiar sound warming my stone-cold heart even further. However, all that stops when I see Adam leading her in the car, with a hand on her lower back. She doesn't even shrug it off this time, pissing me off.

"Get ready fratello, looks like a bee is on its way to your flower" Marco jokes as he walks towards me. I watch as the car drives away, pulling at my heart strings. Diego who is on his way back to us, clearly hears Marcos remark and laugh while giving him a high five; "Goo done" he mutters before snickering.

"Well, game on motherfuckers" I mutter, hearing the guys cheering like stupid cheerleader girls.

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