Part 2

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It's been a few days since I sent it. All I have to do is check my email, that shouldn't be too hard right. Well tell that to my hands, they can't stop shaking let alone open my laptop. I have already been rejected three time, I can't handle a fourth time.

"RAI come we're already late, I'm not getting in shit for your ass. Haiden and I will leave without you."

Fuck fuck fuck
Ren comes at the most crucial moments.

So much for having his brothers back, he would ditch me in a instant for his friend. A very shit friend at that.

I quickly placed my laptop in my bag and packed my stuff. I can check the email later. I don't want to walk to school again last time was hell, minutes felt like hours walking in the heat.

I put on my pink sweater and and brushed down my black hair.

Rushing down the stairs, I just had enough time to shove toast in my mouth before making it to the car in time just as the engine started.

I signed in relief, my head comfortable against the seat. Thank god. Now I just have to endure a car ride with two idiots.

"You actually made it this time. Didn't want a repeat of last time?" Looking up, I made eye contact with Haiden in the review mirror. I rolled my eyes.

"And who's fault was that?" I said annoyed, my hand was about to open the door before they sped off last time. Claiming I was a second late.

"Look if you actually you sleep for once and not do what you do in the dead of night than maybe you actually make it on time." My mouth fell open as I felt heat travel to my face. That's so unfair.

"I told you I was doing schoolwork", I hissed. Desperate for them to change the subject. And of course that wasn't gonna happen. Oh no instead they continue...

"Leave the boy alone I'm sure he was doing... big boy things" Haiden teased laughing and I swear I could feel him smirking.

I dug my face in hands, tempted to just jump out the window.

"It's okay lil bro, I was the same when I was your age" Ren laughed as if my misery was somehow amusing.

"You're only five minutes older than me dickhead", I glared at him. I don't even know how we're brother let alone twins. If it wasn't for our looks, you wouldn't know we're brothers due to our different personalities.

"Still older" he smiled back at me while Haiden chuckled.

I signed in relief as he reversed into a parking spot. Showoff.

"Wait for me after school", I said before quickly pushing open the door and hurrying out before they could respond.


I stared at the board trying to absorb the equations. Why should I find x? Can't x find it's own problems? I have enough stuff to worry about, like my email.

My hands are itching to get my laptop, regretting not checking it earlier.
My legs kept bouncing and I couldn't help but click my pen, earning a few glares from my 'wonderful' classmates.

Time really goes slow when you're in hell. I swear that clock is broken or something.

1... 2 ... 3....

As soon as the bell rang I stuffed my books in my bag. Finally I could go ch—

"Rai." I froze. Please not now. I looked up at Miss flower. Flower my ass the woman is a devil is disguise.

"Yes..." I mumbled smiling tightly, hoping for a miracle. Anything to get me out of here.

But of course that didn't happen. Unfortunately.

I dragged my feet to her desk, clutching my bag strap tightly.

"You do realise you're falling behind, right?", oh no. I slowly nodded, trying to get her to finish. "You can't pass like this, you know that. Do you want me to talk to your D"

"No!" I replied quickly. She narrowed her eyes, "I mean no, he's really busy and I'll...I'll try harder..." I begged my hands put together as in prayer. He would kill me. She nodded in understanding.

"I need to see improvements than", I nodded quickly and backed walking out the door. I am so screwed. I doubt I even know basic maths let alone algebra.

Dodging students i made it to the library for study. Finally some hopefully good news.

I found the nearest isolated table and opened my laptop. I know it's a bad idea checking at school but I have zero self control. Opening up my email, there's a new email. My heart stopped for a second before I finally managed my fingers to open it. Just as I started reading. 'Thank you for sending your photos, you have be—-

"What are you doing?"

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