Hanako sighed. Is it really the same stone?

She focused her chakra, trying desperately to find a survivor. Even the slightest trace of chakra, but there was none.

"Maybe we should pay a visit to Utah's castle. There's no one here."

Amane looked at Hanako. "Do you know where that is?"

Hanako smiled. "Nope. We'll have to go back and ask Kenji. This trip was pointless."

When Hanako turned around, she felt a weird energy around her. Amane stopped moving too and looked at the other girl with a worried expression.


A dark voice spoke to them. It was hard for them to figure out where the voice was coming, it seemed to be speaking from everywhere.

"Help me... Kenji!"

A portal opened beside Hanako, and a man emerged from it with a direct attack. Hanako's bracelet lit up and transformed into a silver spear, clashing against the man's knife. Hanako turned towards him with blazing red eyes. This man had white pupil-less eyes with prominent veins around them. Byakugan?

Hanako narrowed her eyes. Was Utah a member of the Hyuuga Clan? No, that wasn't possible. She pushed the spear towards the man and kicked him away. He rolled backwards, but stood in his feet quickly. He looked up at the two girls with a cynical smile. "Will you guys give me some fun? I want some fun."

Hanako quirked an eyebrow. "It looks like he wants to play."

"Is that Utah?" Amane gasped.

"Well, it's not Utah exactly. It's a naughty spirit playing around with him." Hanako spun her spear, transforming it into a scythe. "Let's play."

Amane frowned. "Don't hurt him, he's still Kenji's master."

Hanako looked at the man, he was still creepily smiling. "Hey, are you Utah? Kenji's master?"

Something changed in the man's eyes. For a brief second, he seemed to recognize his own name. "Utah? My name?"

Hanako nodded. "You were playing around with some weird stone and freed something bad."

The man breathed rapidly, and in a moment all signs of recognition disappeared from his eyes. Again, he attacked without a second thought. Hanako smirked, and clashed her weapon with his. She followed all of his movements with her Sharingan. 

In a swift motion, Hanako grabbed his neck and pulled him closer. "Listen closely. The stone, where is it?!"

The man's Byakugan was slowly fading into a dark blue color. The veins around his eyes receded. "Stone?" He looked right into Hanako's Sharingan. She was able to see everything from the man's past up to the moment he was possessed. The chakra that had taken his body was disappearing. "Home..." he muttered quietly as his eyes closed. He fell unconscious.

Hanako put down his body. "The stone's still in the castle... Amane, now I know where the castle is."

"Yeah, but we have Utah now. We should go back to the compound and listen to Tajima's orders. Maybe we don't even have to go–"

"No, I need to go." Hanako looked at her with a  serious expression. "That stone is my way home."

Amane narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?"

Hanako looked away from her. "In my timeline, that same stone Utah meddled with is in my room. I was assigned to study it. I think I can use it as an anchor and open a portal back home."

A Lethal Observer - ALW Saga Book 2Where stories live. Discover now