I figure I'll stop being a coward now that she's back. 

Me, Isaiah and the rest of the group helped to redecorate the house. We painted the walls, changed the furniture, it was a lot. It didn't really look like the same house anymore. Except for Izzy's room. We told her about it before hand and the only thing she wanted to remain in tact was her room.

For now everything is settling. I'm going back to school, I'm studying to take my SATs again. I feel as normal as I'm gonna get. And maybe that's enough right now. Especially for this town. I don't even wanna think about switching shoes with Betty, Archie, Veronica or Jughead. The year I had was fucked up sure, but their lives?

I guess I'm just grateful for what I have now. Knowing that it could all be so different. And how quickly it could all change.


Family dinner already sucks.

Mom's made some weird carrot thing. And she's keeping the guest list a secret. I know that Tom is coming, possibly Kevin. But there are more chairs than needed if it was just gonna be us. I feel like she's got something up her sleeve but I don't want to ruin whatever it is.

Maybe it's a surprise.

The doorbell rings- yes we got one. Mom installed it after Tom complained about having to knock so much.

"I got it!" I yelled out to no one in particular.

I ran to the door, my barefoot making the floor boards creak underneath them. I unlocked it first and then opened it.

Bowie, Syd, Fangs, Sweet Pea, Harrison, Agatha, Bowie's mom. Bowie is holding a dish of something, I can't tell what it is because it's covered with foil. Agatha has a box with her- no doubt some sweets for later. Sweet Pea, Fangs and Harrison are all holding a bottle of refreshments.

"Well are you gonna keep staring at us or you gonna let us in?" Agatha grinned at me.

She held out her arms for a hug and I obliged her. As I did the others came in and made themselves comfortable. 

I let Agatha in and locked the door behind her. 

Yeah if my math is right, that's where all the chairs would go.

I walked in behind everyone and watched two of them take their seats. Bowie and Syd headed straight into the kitchen while Harrison, Fangs and Sweet Pea stood by the table, talking. Ms.Bailey and Agatha were the ones sitting.

I'm about to join them when I hear Kurt calling me from the stairs. Running, again, I go to him. He's on the steps, dressed a bit handsomely I might add. A bit fancy for a family dinner though. 

He has a huge smile on his face as he says. "This is gonna be a great diner."

Why would he say that?

I crook my head to the side a bit. "Do you know something I don't?"

He laughs and pats me on the shoulder before leaving me all alone. 

The doorbell rings again. 

"I got it!" I yell out again 

I run to the door, unlock, then open it and look to see who it is. 

It's Tom, Kevin, Mayor Maccoy, Izzy and Isaiah. I almost forgot Josie was in New York, otherwise I'm pretty sure she would've been here. 

"Well I don't know my math that well, but I think we have extra chairs in the basement." I moved to the side to let them in.

For the last time- I hope- I closed and locked the door. It felt like everybody I knew was here. I don't think we actually have that many chairs. Maybe some of us teenagers can sit on the couch? I'm not sure my mom thought this all out.

I walked into the dinning room- it wasn't separated from the living room but we liked to think it was. My mom was setting the carrot shit thing down on the table. Bowie, Kevin, Fangs, Sweet Pea and Harrison were talking about something. Probably that carrot thing on the table.

Syd, Bowie's mom, and Izzy were all getting settled into their seats. Syd definitely made a face at the carrot thing my mother is passing as food.

Tom, Sierra, Isaiah and Kurt ar having a raving conversation. Kurt probably said some joke or something. He was pretty funny when he wanted to be. 

Taking a look at all of them, it looks weird. Weird and new.

How all of these people are in my life. I let them be in my life. I didn't think I could do that after last summer. But here I am. Here I am having people in my life that I genuinely care about, and trust.

I see the rest of the guests begin to sit at the table. I was supposed to get the extra chairs.

My mom comes up to me, her hands on her hips. "Come on and sit with us."

"There aren't enough chairs." I answered.

She chuckles. "I think you need to count again."

I look over her shoulder and see everyone sitting down. In their own chairs. When had we gotten that many chairs? Our diner table didn't seem to be that big before? I look back at my mom who's smiling at me.

"We always have this many chairs?" 

"No, I picked up a few more when I realized that our family was getting bigger."

Our family.

Syd stood up from her seat and looked at me and my mom together. "I kinda wanna figure out if I have to fake liking the carrot dish before it get's cold."

I smiled.

My family.

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