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F O U R ( 4 ) - T H E  S I E Z U R E S 

"You have something against the farm girl?" A voice asked from behind me. It should have scared me but I knew who it was.

Bowie. She and I hadn't talked since- I can't even remember. It's not like we were enemies or anything. We just run with different crowds. Although I guess not anymore since Izzy was all the crowd I needed.

I shut my locker and turned around to face her. Only to be met with not only her- but her boyfriend Fangs and Sweet Pea. I knew of them- who didn't. Doesn't mean I did much talking to them.

They must've thought I was staring at them so they chuckled with each other.

"Hi I'm Fangs, this is Sweet Pea." Her boyfriend introduced himself and his serpent brother. He stuck out his hand out for me to shake and I did. The other one- Sweet Pea- stuck his hand out too and I shook it.

But he didn't want to let go of me. I had to softly rip my hand from his. "I'm Kimmy. And yeah I do have multiple things against her. She practically stole my best friend."

"Izzy right? That sucks. She seems to have this weird pull on people. And also you know the seizures." She said so non-chalaltly. Who just causally says something about seizures like that? Are we supposed to just overlook that because we're in Riverdale. 

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Betty thinks she's to blame for the seizures that happened to her and Ethel. I would watch it with her." Sweet Pea sounded- focused on something behind me.

"Okay but Betty also thinks she's a part of a cult." Fangs sounds unconvinced. I mean yeah it's not like one of those fictional cults on tv but- a cult is a cult.

"It is. Theres no way my best friend would up and ditch me like that. And they've got Betty's sister and mother. They speak about happiness and all that crap but it's just a con to get them to ditch everyone they love." It all came out of me very quickly and I stopped myself when I noticed their stares. "Sorry, I've got class."

Not waiting for them to answer me back I booked it straight to my english class. 

This was not what I needed. I needed to get Izzy out of that cult. And I need to find out if my mother is involved too. Tonight I have to do something about my mom. I haven't sat down and talked to her in about a few days now. 

I'm just hoping she'll be in the place I hope she'll be. And not at the farm- or with the farm.


Lunchtime sucked when you eat alone.

I couldn't even hold down anything. Not with Izzy just a few feet away from me. But she couldn't be so far away from me. This sucks. How do you get your best friend out of a cult?

I didn't notice the stowaways until they put their trays down. It was Sweet pea, Bowie, Fangs, Syd and that harrison kid. I watched as they sat down and began to eat like they had picked this table first.

"Hey, so we were thinking since you and Izzy are at an odds right now, we could all keep you company." Bowie explained before throwing her arm over Fang's shoulder.

"When you called me you didn't say your friend was in a cult." Syd pointed out and I lightly shrugged at her. "And I thought we were friends, Katrel."

But now that I realize it- this table was filled with snakes. Snakes that I shouldn't get involved with unless I want them to figure out the other secret I'm holding onto. Theres no way they could figure it out themselves..

"Are you spacing out again?" Fangs asks me and I shake out of my thoughts. 

Jesus he's too observant.

"Sorry. Just have a lot on my mind. I'm also not used to having this many people around me at once." They chuckled at my comment.

"It'll be a good thing. This way we can all be friends you know- maybe you can become a serpent." Syd joked and all the boys looked at her. I hid the look I gave to her quickly. "Oh bite me- it was a joke. Anyways I'm not even a serpent so relax."

"Me niether. Maybe we can have a girl gang." Bowie pipped in. "And when you get Izzy back she can join too."

Maybe they wouldn't be that bad. After all I need friends now.

"Hey I wanted to ask why you were at our spot that time. You know FP?" Harrison asks me.

Back to square one.

I sighed. "Listen my mom and him go way back. She wanted me to say hello to him- you know parent stuff. Thats all." I looked at all of them quickly to make sure they were taking my lie well. And all of them were expect for one. Sweet Pea. His stare didn't move from me. "Anything else?"

"Nah. You're good. Are you gonna eat your fries though?" Syd asks me and I push them over to her.


Taking her old bike was gonna get me yelled at. But it needed to be done. If she was at the serpent hideout and not someplace else then that means she's good. That means she's not running around with that cult.

And me on this bike will pull her out of whatever it is she's in. She'll return to my overprotective mom in a matter of seconds.

I saw the tents and pulled to stop, kicking the stand and cutting the engine. I removed the helmet from my head and took the keys with me. 

There in the center of all the tents. She was here. But why was she here. She had left the serpents a long time ago. After she had me she said that it was the best. I know she still keeps in touch with them- family is family. 

"Mom?" I question her and she turns around. FP is in front of her.

"Kimmy?" she called out to me- but so did another voice. 

My head whipped around in the direction of my name- Bowie. And behind her coming out of a tent was everyone I sat with today at lunch and then some. Cheryl and Toni were there too. 

Oh great.

My eyes widen a bit but I can't focus on them right now. I face forward and look at my mom. She's coming my way now.

"Kimmy what the hell are you doing here? Wh- what happened to your brother?" She looked behind me- as if I would take him on a bike with me. I am not that crazy.

I gripped onto her shoulders. "Mom he is home safe with the baby-sitter. I just needed to find you and make sure that you-"

Do I even tell her? What if she wasn't joining the cult but was coming back to the serpents? What do I do then?

"I what?" 

"Aren't joining this new cult called the farm. Izzy has and she's like deep in it." I sort of explained to her and she began to mumbled out confused words. "Don't worry, me and Isaiah are trying to help. You were my next option, but I did't think so before finding you here."

Why was she here?

"I wish you would have told me sooner. I would have helped if it's as bad as you said. That's why she hasn't been around lately? God, this town just gets worse and worse." She sighs and rolls her eyes as well.

"Why are you here mom?" I ask and she goes silent at that. She wouldn't go silent if she wasn't doing something she wasn't supposed to. She's back in with the serpents. "Mom?"

"Honey, it's your father. He called the house."

Funny how I can feel my whole world turn upside-down again in the past month. It really does just keep getting worse and worse.

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