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Kimmy Katrel is a lot of things.

She's intelligent. Smart enough to pass her classes. Smart enough to score a 1190 on her SAT's with the hectic life she's lived. Smart.

She's strong. She was Izzy's shoulder to cry on when her parents died. She was also her mother's rock when her dad left. She took care of her brother and herself when her mother needed to do uncommon things to make ends meet. Strong.

She's selfless. Before she even knew Syd fully, she asked if she was okay. She also asked the same of Bowie when the two weren't that close. She made sure that those around her were doing well. Selfless.

Kimmy Katrel was a lot of things after the summer she spent with her father. 

She's not quick to trust. After what her father pulled she made sure to vet people who came near her. If she felt off about them, or suspected them of something they were cut off. Any new person who came into her life would be meet with at least a bit of doubt. 

She's dazed. It's true that she ofter daydreams a lot. In her own head, in a world where she had the perfect life. Before that summer it consisted of her dad, her mom and her brother all living under the same roof. But after it just looked like her mom and her brother, no tattoo on her back, no criminal record.

She's determined. When she came back to town broken, it was Izzy who helped her mend the broken pieces. But it was her who was determined to keep going. To forget about that summer. To move past it.

But more importantly Kimmy is furious. 

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