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Today I'm meant to hang out with Randell. Me and him are the dorm RA's. There's a new kid today, Jake or Jack was his name? I dont care enough to remember.  Today I'm wearing...

  Today I'm wearing

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We all met up in the dorms and Randell was telling Jack what we have to tell every new kid

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We all met up in the dorms and Randell was telling Jack what we have to tell every new kid.

"Okay, house rules. If I catch you breaking them, I got to report you, so..." he stops waiting for Jack to finish his sentence.

"Don't break any rules." Jack says with a nod of his head making me shake mine. I already know what Randell's gonna say, and that wasn't it.

"Don't let me catch you, that's right." Randell corrects making me chuckle.

Once we reach Jacks dorm room I knock on the door.

" Pants on, Clay. We're coming in." Randell announces. I take that as my que to open the door. "Jack Morton, Clay Turner." I introduce the two.

"hey." Jack says to Clay who just stares at him for a while before talking. "Have you ever wondered why you exist?" he asked Jack.

"not really." Jack replied back.

"Of course not. All you can see is the carrot they want you to chase. A good job, a loving wife, the kids, the summer house, credit cards, the debt. They want you to be a cog in their system. And then, just like that-" Clay snapped his fingers. "You're dead. There's so much to experience, so much to taste. Don't let someone else define you. Don't waste this opportunity. Don't touch my shit. Also, nice to meet you." Clay said.

"Yeah, you, too." jack said putting his stuff down, while clay left. 

"Any questions about changing roommates? No? Great. You lose your key. It's 75 bucks to replace it. Here is your welcome package. It's got your map of campus, complete with all male, female, and non-binary bathroom locations. There's a bunch of coupons for stuff you'll never buy. There is a rape whistle and a "How Not to Rape" pamphlet." I said letting him know what I'm giving him he nods along.

"Any questions?"Randell ask.

"Nope." Jack says as me and Randy leave the dorm.

"But if you need a hand with anything, don't hesitate to ask." jack said.

"I think I'm supposed to say that." Randell says with a smile.

I look at him. "Can we go home now Randy?" I ask.

He laughs and nods.

**************************************452 words 

The order (R.C Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now