ch. 20

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"Randell! El!" I fantly hear.

Me and Randell wake up Jack passes us lab coats. We stand up putting the coats on.

Randell comes over to me wraping his arms around me holding me to his body.

"Hey I know you guys!" Randell says to Jack and Alyssa making them chuckle.

He looks down to me as I look at Rubys unrecognizable body. He puts his hands on my face making me flinch a bit. He pulls my face so im looking at him.
"Dont look at her. Are you ok?" He asked me.

I just nodded. My face and chest covered in blood from my nose bleed.

"What the hell did they do to you?" jack asks us as he and Alyssa helped us out.

"Come on, we gotta get out of here." Jack says.

"No. They're all dead because of me!" Randell says and I walk over to him as we walk together.

"Where are you two going?" Jack asks us.

"To find Dr. Asshole." I answer for us as Alyssa and Jack follow me and Randell to find the doctor.


185 words

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