ch. 27

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Gabrielle drags me to a room and sits me in a chair.

"Where are your friends? Where is the Grand Magus's son?" A woman and Gabrielle asks me.

"Take these chains off me and I'll tell you." I tell them as I'm tied to a chair again.

"I'd rather you couldn't turn into a werewolf right now. Where are your friends?" They ask me again.

"I don't have any friends." I tell them.

"No surprise there." Gabrielle says.

  "Poeniatur flagellis!" The other lady says causing me pain as I hear the ringing. she slaps me and I scoff.

"Oh, you're so lucky I can't wolf out right now." I tell her.

"You're trapped. You're powerless. The only logical course would be to tell me the truth." She tells me.

"Fine. Your pantsuits are cheap, and I'm gonna rip your fucking heart out." I tell them.

"Hmm. Okay." Gabrielle says walking away as the lady trys to hurt me again.

"Detorqueantur intus!"  she says as I wince in pain." Tell me what I want to know!"

" Go to hell!" I yell at them. 

"Councilor. May I?" Gabrielle ask her with a metal glove on.

"Answer the question. Where's the rest of your pack?" Gabrielle asks me while touching me with the glove.

"Fuck you!" I spit at her as blood comes out of my eyes and I groan in pain.

"Don't flatter yourself." She tells me and I let out a painful laugh.

 "You call this an interrogation? Your fancy chains may block me from transforming, but I'm still a werewolf. I can do this all day." I tell them panting in pain.

" How many more of you are there?" She yells at me..

   "Sixty nine." I stutter out and spit out blood.

 "Acolyte, enough." The woman says.

"When are you idiots gonna get it through your head that there's no way you can kill me. You don't have the magic for it. Or the balls." I tell them.

"That's where you're wrong." Gabrielle says coming back to me with a knife. "I killed a werewolf with this knife. And I'll kill you if you don't tell the Councilor what she wants to know!" She yells at me.

I grab the knife and she pulls back cutting me. Since the chain inhibits me from doing magic and shifting I'll just have to do this there way.

"Thank you." I say looking at the blood. "Deleatur." I say and they fly back screaming. I yell and break my chains and walk out and walk home.

I make it to the house and just walk in.

"A little help?" I yell out.

"Elizabeth!" Randell yells as he runs over to help me.

"Thanks for the rescue op. I really appreciate your concern." I tell him limping in.

"It's not like they were torturing me or anything." I say sarcastically.

"We've been working on a plan. Hamish!" Randell tells me then calls for Hamish.

"Who's she? Is she gonna die?" A little boy asks.

"No, she's not going to die. Keep reading your comic book at your own pace. It's Edward's kid." Randell tells me.

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