Don't Trust The Shape Of The Water III.

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The state of the ocean would have one think that all life within had disappeared. As if the black wild sea had drawn away the beings that were home in this environment. It was too dense to see through the surface which was moving with the wind without holding back whatsoever. Waves crashing into each other with a mighty sound all over. The sound carried by the wind just to increase the roaring, making sure every ship stayed in the harbour at this day. All but one ship had known when to retreat. Known how to read the signs right, to know what route would have been safe. One particular ship had believed too much, trusted too much, maybe just hoped too much and payed bitterly. Rescue ships hadn't been sent yet due to the lack of notification that the tragedy had even happened.

The passengers were in need of this ride over the sea. Personal issues drove them to attend and not wait for a safer opportunity. The captain had been old and thought too high of himself which led him to his and the passengers doom. No one had planned on it or could have possibly known in what kind of disaster they would be pulled into. After all, the sea was known to be rather rough and daring. Some people thought they knew how to handle the water. There was a fair chance that they were correct if they hadn't left out a major risk factor. But who could be blamed for not believing in a myth, a tell tale that was brought over by low lives such as pirates. Of course nothing that left the mouth of those people was taken serious.

Anyone who cared about their reputation was smart enough to ignore those tales, or at least act like it was the case. There was always some, easily convinced, naive or weak minded that believed the stories of those pirates but no one would ever admit it. If one had, they would have lost everything, friends and family, simply due to siding with the wrong side.
It wasn't fair. But it was how things went, the unwritten rulebook of social acceptance.

Those things didn't matter anymore. Not on the small island with just about two living beings on it.

The sound waves of a high frequency scream travelled through the air, fighting the strong winds, pushing through the surface of the water as far as they could. Fighting the resistance but losing volume by the metre. Overseas sound didn't travel as well as down under, air wasn't made to carry messages over miles like water was. But the pained cry for help had no other choice but make its way for as far as possible. Reach as many ears as possible to find at least one pair that would be able to be of support. That would be enough, that was all the cry asked for. Support for stability. Without holding back, just flowing through the air bare, exposing weakness like never before.

The source of the scream was fully unaware if anyone would be reached through this action or if the sound would just travel through the grey, cold air and some of the dangerous water to be heard by no one and slowly fade away, dying along with the hope for the desperately needed rescue.

The siren still held onto the weak man in his arms. Unsure as to why he all of the sudden felt so much for one particular being. He couldn't explain it but with the first second he had seen Virgils face. He knew the human had to be protected from harm. The memories from that night were still clear in the creatures mind. Not fading one bit. He was fully conscious of his actions up until his eyes locked onto the human. Seeing him run out onto the deck of the ship, panicked and terrified, crying out for help and his peers. Something about that scene was beautiful. He had found beauty in destruction. The distressed face was still the most beautiful he'd ever seen. Those dark eyes scanning the area. The helpless body language made up of shaking and crying, even though the human tries to keep it contained. It just seemed so pure, innocent even. It was human, simply. And it wasn't like the others. Virgil wasn't pretending to be heroic even if scared. He was simply just that. Scared. And that realness was beautiful. Something the creature was lacking. Something it longed for. Something it was in need of. Pureness in its life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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