Line Walking

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No clouds hid the stars this night. The sky was clear and dark with a few white dots breaking the black. The lights of the city hid the small fires of the galaxy but still it would have been beautiful to watch. A fresh wind blew around trees and buildings as some people were already sleeping and some were still wide awake out partying or similar things one would do on a Saturday night. Just being out with a few friends and enjoying the night.

Deceit was doing neither of those things. He wasn't asleep nor was he wide awake partying with friends. He had curled up on the couch with a blanket while the TV had been the only source of light for the last couple hours. It didn't play anything particularly interesting. It was just turned on so the man would be distracted. But it didn't help. His mind was still far from the screen;
far from the blanket and the couch;
far from the dimly lit living room that could use a cleaning;
far from the apartment that he wasn't the only owner of.
He just couldn't concentrate on the program in front of him. Whatever he did.

Deceit picked up his phone and turned on the bright screen, hoping that a notification would jump in his face and would let him breathe in relief. But that wasn't the case. His phone screen only showed the time in big white letters ontop of his background. 3:17 AM. A guy in black and white playing a bright red guitar behind it.
His duochrome eyes scanned the screen a bit before he unlocked his phone. His fingers fast but hesitant at the same time. He clicked onto the way to familiar chat before he waited again. The last message was at 2:03 AM. One hour has passed since then. His brows furrowed in worry before his thumbs tapped the screen again in a fast pace. The words were there on the screen. The only thing left was to send them and hope that the other will receive them and answer soon.



His eyes stayed on the screen for a while praying that another message would appear but it still didn't happen. Deceit made sure his phones message volume was the highest it could be before sliding it into his pocket as he stood up from the far too comfortable space. It was dangerous. He couldn't allow himself to fall asleep yet. Not without being sure that he wouldn't be the only person in this apartment.

The TV played some kind of comedy show which was so idiotic and plainly unintelligent that Deceit couldn't even have faked a smile if he had needed too. His mood probably added up to that as well.

He walked over the the fridge grabbing a bottle of cold water and drank a bit to stay more awake. Even though his phone hasn't made a sound he got it out once again turning it on. The time stared a him practically mockingly as it read 3:18AM. One minute had passed. The guy with the guitar hadn't changed. The LED lights casting shadows which were pitch black thanks to the high contrast cast all over the guys body and face. If you actually looked closer the face he made looked absolutely ridiculous. But the overall picture had an awesome atmosphere. He entered his code quickly once more and went straight to the chat again, scrolling up a bit to see what else the two had written today.

[Are you sure you want to go alone?    6:12pm]

[Yes, I am. Don't worry, I'll be fine. The others are there, they invited me                             6:15pm]

[That doesn't really help.                        6:15pm]

[No need to be so worried. That's my job. I'm nearly home. The party starts at 9. The others begged me to come with them to celebrate I don't even remember what. I can't turn them down, you know? It's gonna be fine. I'll meet the others at 10 in front of it. Don't worry  6:26pm]

[I'm not worried.                                       6:26pm]

[Of course not                                          6:26pm]

One Shots With The Ship: [Deceit X Virgil][Sanders Sides]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat