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What happens if Virgil actually over-does his job and Patton cannot deal with all the emotions and snaps at him.

He would run.

Where to?

His room.

What then?


This had been too much. He couldn't stand up to it. Not anymore. All he did was his job. He did what made sense to him. That's how all the sides worked. Why was he always doing the wrong thing? He tried so hard to be nothing but a help to Thomas but it never worked out. This was reason enough for him to isolate himself now but another happenstance made everything so much worse.

Patton had yelled at him. Directly at him. Not just yelled, he had snapped. That's what drove the boy to run. To flee. The safety of his room was the only place he could think of as his feet carried him there. His eyes were glistening from wetness that he would've blamed on the wind that was drying them out while running, if anyone were to ask. But of course no one would ask. No one would follow him. No one would dare.

If a problem would leave you, would you run after it?


He himself was aware that he prevented Thomas from doing the most logical thing that would've saved all of this from going down. But he, as his trait was anxiety, could just not do anything as his host managed to get lost on the way to an important appointment. How could he not have panicked and therefore keep Thomas from asking strangers for the way. They probably didn't known it either. Or worse, they would've thought Thomas was weird. Or even worse, they could have been dangerous. You could never know with people.

Why was he the culprit now? He just wanted to save them. Why wouldn't they get that? And now Patton of all the people. He wasn't surprised at all at Princeys outburst. And Logan obviously wasn't happy that he made Thomas miss his appointment but Patton? He just yelled at him. Telling him that what he had done was useless. Or that was at least what he had filtered from the words that had left Morality's mouth just a few moments ago.

It must have been the first time he heard Patton actually yell that angry. It was frightening to say the least. He just needed to get away and into safety. He was aware that he had not helped. Of course he hadn't. He had made everything so much worse. Like he always would. He was completely useless to them and Thomas.

As he tried to not break down right here and then he finally got to his door. The only thing parting him from his room now. It was quickly opened and closed as Virgil slipped inside his room like it was the only safe place. The only place where he would survive the apocalypse. He threw himself onto his bed in the most frustrated way before he actually sat up.

The back against the colder wall as his legs were drawn close to his body and held in place by his arms was his usual position when he wasn't feeling well. This time around he was shaking lightly from crying as he tried to avoid any louder sobs. That he was behaving like this now was for him and him only to know. None of the other sides were supposed to know. They didn't need to know about it after all. It was just him being weak. Who would want to see that. It was pathetic really. He was so weak that he couldn't even stand up to his own actions. He was a joke. Useless.

Without noticing his voice made itself present muttering the same word over and over again with a quivering tune to it. Something that would happen from time to time but usually not for long. This time he was too far gone. He was lost in his mind in a downwards spiral as tears were filling up his eyes only to roll down his cheeks and drop onto his knees that were just under his chin.

One Shots With The Ship: [Deceit X Virgil][Sanders Sides]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz