The movie starts up again after a few minutes and everyone's cheering except will. I lean over Max and gently grab hold of one of wills shoulders "mate, you okay?" I ask making him jump. Mike looks over and puts an arm around his shoulders.

Eleven used her powers to start up Dustin's robots and make them move into the living room.
"He's getting up now" I say seeing an image of him standing "he's scared. But he's following them" I say when I see an image of him walking
Eleven helped me discover some of my powers after we met. Turns out I can read peoples minds, see people and whats around them by just thinking of them and I can control people with my mind so people could be doing something bad like hurting someone and I can look them in the eyes and make them stop it and stuff like that. I'm a real life superhero Max says to me all the time.
"He's got something. He's holding something. I-I don't know what it is"
"Now" mike says and El and I both stop. We start walking into the living rooms. Max holding my hand, Mike and Eleven holding hands,Lucas holding the sign and Will walking next to me. Max counts down on her fingers for everyone to see. We all blow our party blowers making Dustin shout and turn around while spraying Lucas in the face with whatever Dustin's holding.

Max is currently helping Lucas wash the stuff out of his eyes while I'm talking to Mike few feet away. "Aren't you scared that Max is going to...I don't know. Choose lucas over you. Cause he's a boy?" Did he seriously just say that
"No, I trust Max."
"But look." He gestures to the two people in front of us "they seem pretty close"
"Mike just-just stop...I trust max and she wouldn't do that to me"
Lucas brings his head out of the water "better?" Max asks
"Still stings" he wipes his eyes. He squints and looks at her closely "is that a new zit?"
"What is wrong with you?" She asks grabbing his head and pushing him back under he water
"I was just asking!" He screams

I sigh and walk into Dustin's room a few minutes after Mike walks in
"I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose" I walk in on
"Wait...girlfriend?!" I ask shocked

"So her name is suzie?" Mike asks when we're walking out of Dustin's room
"Suzie with a 'z'. She's from Utah"
"Girls go to science camp?" Will asks
"Suzie does. She's a genius"
"Is she cute?" Mike asks making eleven look more serious than before. I grab her free and hand give it a reassuring squeeze telling her it's okay. She smiles at me and we keep walking still holding hands
"Think phoebe cates, only hotter"
"What's going on?" Max asks when we walk into view
"Going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend" mike states
"Girlfriend?!" Lucas and Max say at the same time running out the door after us

"Aren't we high enough?" Lucas ask
"Cerebro works best at 100 meters"
"That's not far right, my legs killing me" I state panting too making Max look at me worried
"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones" Max states
"Yeah But Suzie's Mormon"
"Oh shit, she doesn't have electricity?" Lucas asks
"That's the Amish, dumbass" I state looking at him
"What are Mormons?" Will asks
"Super religious white people" Dustin states "they have electricity and cars and stuff, but..."
"Since You're not Mormon. Her parents wouldn't approve" I state trying to pick up my pace
"Exactly right.It's all a bit... Shakespearean"
"Yeah like Romeo and Juliet" Dustin states like he's in a dream state
"Star- crosses lovers"
"I got it"
"You know...they both die in the end right?" I state making max push my playfully

"Hey guys!" Mike yells from behind us making us turn around "this is fun and all but ugh..." he points to his watch
"I have to go home" Eleven says gently
"We're almost there" Dustin states
"Sorry, man, curfew" Mike states
Their about to walk away but I run up to them, turn El around and bring her into a hug while swaying her off the ground a bit
"See you tomorrow Eleven" I say playfully
"Bye twelve"
El doesn't call me by the name y/n unless it's important. She usually just calls me Twelve.
"Good luck" Eleven says before walking further away
"Curfew at four?" Dustin asks
"They're lying" lucas states
"Guys they're in love. Just let them be" I say starting to walk up the hill again
"It's romantic" Max states
"It's gross" will adds
"It's bullshit" Dustin finishes "I just got home...well, their loss right?"
I sigh and throw my spare arm around his shoulder
"We can go see Steve later if you like. He's missed you like hell" I smile at the boy
"Onwards and Upwards. Suzie awaits" he says happily making the rest of the group groan and continue walking except will who stands there. I drop my things and run towards him "will, mate. You okay?" I say once I reach him snapping him out of his daze.
"Yeah. Sorry I- I just got distracted"
"It's okay. Don't apologise. It's alright" I say walking up the hill with him

We finally get up the top a few minutes after the others. I see Lucas drinking all out water and max just staring at him
"Did you seriously just drink the rest of our water?" She asks making him spit the water still in his mouth back into the bottle, he hands it to her making her shake her head and walk away.
I sigh and look at will who's looking at me in worry
"You okay?" He asks concerned
"Hmm..yeah. Just Mikes getting on my nerves"
"What's he saying?"
"That Max might trade me in for lucas"
"She wouldn't do that" will puts a gentle hand on my shoulder
"Thanks buddy" I say smiling at him making him smile back.

Once we've assembled the whole thing it's nearly dark "pretty impressive, right?"
"Yeah" we all say
"Now you ready to meet my love?"
"Hell Yeah" I say sitting down and Unwrapping the bandage on my leg. It's healing. Thank god. Only a few teeth marks left. I sigh and start to wrap it again only to have it come undone. I groan and go to wrap it again when someone stops me "let me help" I hear a voice that I recognise to be Max's. I shrug and hand her the bandage when she sits in front of me. Dustin's trying to communicate with Suzie but she's not answering.

It's now fully dark and Dustin is still trying.
Max and I are laying next to each other talking while Lucas and will are asleep.
"Dustin, come on! She's not there" Max states
"She's there alright. She'll pick up"
"Maybe cerebro doesn't work" I state
"Or maybe she doesn't exists" says a now awake lucas
"Hey! If Dustin says he has a girlfriend, he has a girlfriend" I defend
"She's a genius and she's hotter than phoebe cates?" Dustin nods "no girl is that perfect" lucas states making max sit up "is that so?" She asks "I mean you're perfect" he states making me get up and move so I'm next to Will. "You're perfect in- your own special way" he stammers
I stand up "lucas stop embarrassing yourself. It's obvious that max is perfect I mean look at her" I say angrily before looking into lucas mind and hear him saying that Max would be better off with him instead of me, I groan before walking down the hill by myself.

When I get home steve welcomes me with a warm hug "you scared me. Don't stay out that late again. Got it?"
"Got it captain Steve" I say taking his scoops ahoy hat and putting it on my head before saluting.
"Dork" He says ruffling my hair after taking his hat back "I saved dinner for you. It's in the microwave. Your favourite" he states before walking away.

I wake up to knocking on my window. I climb out of bed and look at my alarm clock 2:36 am. Who the hell would knock on someone's window at this ti- max. Max's sitting in one of the branches of the tree that stands outside my window. I open the window and tell her to climb in knowing something bads happened. I turn on my bedroom light, knowing the Harringtons won't mind "what's wrong?" I ask sitting next to her and kissing her forehead lightly
"Billy" she says quietly "he didn't come home last night. Im worried y/n. A-and you just left. You just walked away. I didn't know what happened, y-you just left"
I sigh "I bet Billy's fine Max. He's probably with Kate. He'll be okay. A-and I left because...because...I-i Umm I felt sick"
"Oh Okay well I better let you get better and get some sleep"
"No!" I clear my throat "stay here. Stay with me. You can't go home crying"
I stand up off my bed along with Max. I lift the covers and usher her to climb under, I tuck her in and make my way towards the door
"where are you going?"
"To sleep on the couch"
"Not again"
"I'm tired max"
"Sleep with me y/n...please"
I sigh and lay in the bed next to her. Steve is not going to like this "I'm going to die if Steve catches us" I say making max chuckle.
"Who cares, I'm with you"
I smile and pull her closer to me by her shoulders gently. She snuggles into my chest and I wrap my arms around her tightly. Her legs entangle themselves into mine. I feel her looking up at me slightly so I look down.
"I missed this" she whispers quietly still looking at me
"I did too max. I did too" I lean down and bring her lips to mine before pulling her closer into my chest.

California dreamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें