Truth or Dare

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It was just a normal Saturday evening, Slenderman was in his office, the girls were upstairs doing their own thing, and the boys were all in the living room. Masky started complaining, "I'm so bored!" Ben smirked and said, "I know a game we can play. Jeff should know what it is." Jeff looked at him and smirked saying, "Oh yeah, now we're talking, who's up for some truth or dare." Hoodie mumbled, "I don't know, I don't really play games like this." Masky told him, "C'mon it'll be fun, besides, it's just a game. Count us in!" EJ shrugged and said, "Sure." Ben said, "Good, everyone's in, so who wants to go first?"

Jeff said, "I will. Ben, truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to go fill a bucket of water and dump it on yourself." Ben looked terrified, but sure enough he did it. The guys were all laughing at him looking miserable until he sat back down and said, "Alright then, Masky, truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to go get your cheesecake and throw it on the floor." Masky and Hoodie both gasped and Masky got up and got the cheesecake and threw it down, he then sat back down looking like he might cry. Jeff then chuckled saying, "I know how to make this game more interesting."

They all looked at Jeff who says, "Ben, truth or dare?" Ben shrugged, "I went with dare last time, so truth." Jeff chuckles and asks, "Is it true that you have a crush on Digitalia?" Ben's face turns red as he says, "Um...well, maybe...y-yes." Jeff smirked saying, "I knew it. And Masky, is it true that you have a crush on Felyra?" Masky muttered, "Well, um, yes...but Hoodie like Blizzaria!" Hoodie blushed and quickly covered his face. Jack laughed saying, "You guys, it was so obvious you liked them." Jeff got closer to him saying, "Well what about you and Myth? You like her don't you, I've seen the way you look at her." Jeff knew he was right when Jack blushed and stayed silent. Ben then interrupts, "Alright Jack, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Ben chuckles, "Jack, I dare you to go upstairs and swipe some of Myth's...undergarments." Jack blushed and blurted out, "What?!" Ben smirked, "You heard me." Jack hesitantly got up and went to his room, he noticed the bathroom door was closed and he heard the shower running. Good, she's in the shower, let's get this over with. He quickly went through drawers and found a matching black bra and panties and grabbed them and rushed back downstairs and practically threw them on Ben who said, "Wow Jack, I didn't think you'd go through with it." Jeff nudged him saying, "And you got a really cute matching set." Ben just sat there holding the undergarments saying, "Yep, these are really cute and sexy." But he didn't notice the looming shadow over him.

Ben finally realized the other guys scooting away and the shadow looming over. He gulped and turned to see Myth in a towel with a face red with anger and embarrassment. "Ben, why did you take my clothes?" "Um...I...uh..." She placed a hand on his head and shoved him down as she bent down and snatched her clothes from him, she then said darkly to him, "Your lucky I'm nice." And pushed him down. She stood up straight again and said, "It's game over for whatever stupid little game you boys are playing, now everyone, up to you rooms NOW. And if I catch you playing a game like this again, I'll make sure you pay the price, do I make my self clear?" They all said, "Yes ma'am." And rushed to their rooms, except for Jack, who hung his head down and followed Myth who said, "I'm disappointed in you Jack, I expected this from Ben and Jeff, but not you." He sighed, "I know, I'm really sorry." As they got to Jack's room, Jack sat down and Myth said, "I think I'll be nice and let you off the hook this time." Jack looked surprised and said, "Really? T-Thanks, I suppose." She quickly walked over to where he was sitting and stomped her foot down right between his legs and said, "Don't get me wrong though, I'm quite capable of punishing you if you ever do this again." Jack gulped as she said that and then headed to the bathroom to get dressed, leaving Jack to his thoughts, Yep, I'm never making her that angry again, I don't want to lose anything...especially not that.

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