Chapter 8: A Demonstration

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Aurora watched everybody around her as the bidding slowly crept up to fifty million dollars.

"Alright sweetheart, tell them a bit about yourself," Finch urged.

Aurora instantly straightened, her eyes going dull.

"Aurora Carter, age eighteen, an Australian citizen. Speaks every language fluently, heals exceptionally fast, very loyal." She took a deep breath at the end of it, her eyes scanning the room.

"What do you mean when you say she heals fast?" one of the John's asked.

Finch grabbed the knife he had sitting on the lectern for this exact demonstration and thrust it into Aurora's thigh, blue sparks congregating around the wound.

"One hundred and twenty," Artemis said, earning a look from the blond-haired man standing beside him.

"What else are you good for, Aurora?" Finch pressed. Aurora sent Artemis a pleading look before her eyes dulled yet again.

"I can fight, I have well-honed tactical skills, I can kill. I can also be used for sexual ful... fulfil..."

She appeared to be fighting against him, her body shaking each time the word was almost forced out of her.

"Keep going, Aurora," Finch warned.

"Screw you," Aurora murmured, yanking the blade from her thigh and stabbing Finch three times in the chest. The man fell to the ground in shock, blood pouring through his fingers.

She glared at all the men who had dared to bid on her. "I will kill," she hissed. "And that includes superiors."

Most of them wisely began backing away, their eyes fixated on the limp body that had been Samuel Finch. Aurora rifled through the pockets and pulled out a silver syringe, which she pushed into her arm, feeling a part of her body that had been dormant reawaken as she surveyed the room. She shook her hands out.

"Damn," Artemis heard Constantine whisper behind him, which seemed to snap him out of the daze he was in.

Artemis rushed forward and grabbed ahold of Aurora as she continued glaring at the people who had come to buy her, handing her to Butler as she still clutched the bloodied knife in her hand.

"Get her to the car," he ordered Butler. "She is currently the number one priority."

"Artemis, I can run, unlike you," Aurora snickered, running a hand over her thigh and healing it. "Let Butler get you to the car, I'll follow behind." 

She paused, looking up at the roof. "Is that a helicopter?" she asked curiously.

"I can't hear anything," Butler said but drew his Sig Sauer anyway.

Aurora had gone still and she locked eyes with Artemis. "Thirty people are descending on the roof. We need to leave now," she urged.

A hail of gunfire followed them as they began running.


Artemis glanced down at the hand Aurora held tightly as the pair ran slightly ahead of Butler, the man using his body to shield them both from the bullets that were flying through the warehouse.

"Which car is yours?" Aurora yelled, watching as Butler motioned to the car at the end of the line- a black Bentley- which she immediately made a beeline for.

A flurry of bullets tore up the concrete mere metres from where they were about to run, Aurora pausing as she scanned the area.

"Sniper," Butler shouted, pushing them down as more bullets flew over their heads.

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