part 2

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grayson's pov

"i need it done and in my office by the end of the day with no excuses. if you fail to complete the task you're fired."

i hang up and look out of the massive wall that's made of glass in my office. i watch everyone going about their day. teenage girls with multiple shopping bags in their hands, businesses men weaving speedily around people to get somewhere while sipping coffee, middle aged women walking around in gym clothes, people jogging, mothers walking around with their children hand in hand and it makes me think.

about her.

i wonder how she is. i've never actually gotten over her, and from the very little information ethan has given me on her she's still single. so either she doesn't want a boyfriend or she's not over me. i like to think that she's not. i wish i could've been there from the second our kid was born to now. seen their first steps, first words, first time trying certain foods, first everything.

but i can't turn back time. and i regret everything i said to bella on that day. i remember blaming her, but i know i did it purely out of shock. i can't blame it on that if i were to apologise to her. i've waited three years and still haven't heard anything from her, and at this point i don't think she's going to make the first move because she said she doesn't want me to have anything to do with 'her' child,; even though the kid is ours. i don't even know what gender it is. ethan doesn't talk to me about it because he said he's ashamed of how i treated bella that day.

and so am i. i hate myself more and more each day for it, but i know the only way i'll be able to stop beating myself up over it is by getting her forgiveness. so if i want that i'm going to have to reach out first to apologise. i know for a fact she hasn't changed her number because kelsey told me, and i never deleted her number or blocked her, hopefully she hasn't blocked me, because if she hasn't i could text or call her. she doesn't know that i've had her number all this time, so she won't be angry that i didn't try sooner and maybe we can start fresh and try again. with trembling fingers, i tap on her contact, grimacing when i see the last message she'd sent to me.

fuck you

i ignore the hurt that begins to course through me knowing that it's my own fault and i start to type out a message.

hi bella. it's grayson. it's been way too long. i think we need to talk. i would like to be a part of the baby's life as well, it is my child too. i don't think it's fair that i'm not allowed to see my own baby, i've done nothing wrong. if we could organise a time and a place to meet that would be great. thanks

i read over the drafted message and shake my head. something doesn't seem right about it. luckily i don't accidentally click send while i'm erasing it, because i want to make it perfect so that she'll feel obligated to forgive me.

hi bella, it's grayson. i hope you've been okay. we should meet up and talk, i need to see my child. i've already missed out on enough and i want to be there for you both. if we could organise a time and a place that would be great.

and without anymore hesitation i hit send.

"gray? we have a meeting now."

ethan had managed to come into my office without me even realising while i was typing out a message to bella. i nod at what he says, slipping my phone into my pocket and wishing for a reply.


i pull out my phone, feeling more anxious than i ever have. i know it's stupid that i left it for that long but at least i've reached out to say let's forget the past and try again. if she says no, then clearly she's not the kind of person i thought she was. my heart drops slightly when i see that i haven't gotten a reply from her.

maybe she hasn't seen it?

i click onto her contact and open our messages.

hi bella, it's grayson. i hope you've been okay. we should meet up and talk, i need to see my child. i've already missed out on enough and i want to be there for you both. if we could organise a time and a place that would be great. read 4:25pm

second chapter out of ten

drama is starting next chapterrrr

hope ur all enjoying



word count:818

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