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"sam, give sebastion a chance."

i turn around and come face to face with my dad. i sigh, "it's not like he gives me a chance, dad. that's not fair."

dad chuckles, "i think we've all learned that life isn't always fair, sam. hell. life isn't fair majority of the time. i figure you'd learn to roll with the punches."

dad takes a seat on the bed beside me and sighs, "when your mother left me i was heartbroken... i still am in a way, but i love alanna and you will all have to learn how to tolerate each other. sebastian's like you. he lost someone dear to him. the only difference is he didn't get the chance to express his feelings for her. i'm not saying you have to love him or like him, just try to understand him."

"well dad," i say, giving in, "when you put it that way... you know i can't say no."

"that's my girl," he encourages, kissing my forehead. 

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