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after about nine minutes and thirty seconds, I head down to the kitchen and find dad, alanna, and sebastian sitting at the table. 

dad raises an eyebrow and i smile, "not late."

"you take me too seriously, sam."

i chuckle and take a seat across from sebastian. he picks at his plate and looks away every time our eyes meet. i sigh and lean back in my chair. dad clears his throat and says, "so how was the move, sebastian? seen any hot girls around?"

sebastian shrugs and tries his best at a smile, "the move was okay. not very many 'hot' girls around, sorry. guess i'm just not used to big cities."

i clear my throat, "um, sebastian where are you from?"

"why do you wanna know," he challenges.

i shrug, "your accent sounds english is all. don't get so defensive."

"i wasn't being defensive."

"kay," i say. 

alanna smiles at me, "so do you have a boyfriend, sam?"

"nah. he's dead." 

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