Let's Put A Smile On That Face

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We got up and put our shirts on. Jeff started to put his hoodie on, but I yanked it from his hands and slipped it on. I looked at him, he was pouting.

"Don't cry, love," I smiled," I'll give it back soon." He started to giggle and kissed my cheek. I looked at the blood stained jacket. I remember cleaning it; I smiled at the thought.

"You look beautiful in it," he purred. I felt my face flush pink. He looked at my rosy pink cheeks and smiled.

"I've missed you," I said.

"I've missed you, too." Jeff pecked my lips and put the hood up on his hoodie, making it cover my face.

"I though you liked my face!" I joked. I heard Jeff giggling.

"I do, but you look so innocent like this." I laughed. Jeff pulled the hood back after a few minutes of standing there, looking helpless. He took my hand in his and we walked downstairs.

When we got downstairs we were met with Hoody and Maskey sitting at the dinner table talking. They stopped once we walked in. After they stopped talking they looked at us and smiled.

"How was it?" Maskey asked.

"How was what?" I asked, knowing what they were talking about. Hoody looked at me like I was an idiot.

"You know what I mean!" He whisper yelled. I smiled and looked at Jeff.

"Well," he started," you kind of killed the mood." Maskey looked us and laughed.

"Sorry!" Hoody yelled. I chucked as Jeff and I walked into the kitchen. Jeff pulled me back as I opened the fridge.

"What?" I questioned. He grinned at me and pulled me close.

"I'm going to take you out to eat tonight. My treat." I smiled and nodded

"Okay, well, get ready and we can leave. I will make the reservations!" Jeff said while walking out of the kitchen. I grinned as he walked out.

As he walked out, Slender and Jack walked in. They looked at me and went back to their conversation.

"Slender?" I asked

"Yes?" He questioned.

"Jeff said he was taking me out to eat, what do you think I should wear?" He gave me the Do-You-Think-I-Fucking-Know look.

"Right, I'll ask Sally." Slender laughed at my idiocy and started to talk to Jack again. I shook my head and headed out of the kitchen to find Sally.

I found her out behind the house, staring off into the dark, muggy woods. She looked at me as I sat down beside of her.

"What are you doing, Sally?" I asked, looking in the direction that she was looking.

"I am waiting," she said, smiling. I raised an eyebrow and glared at her.

"Waiting for what?"

"Waiting for Smile Dog." As she said that, the bushes off in the distance started to rustle and twigs started to crack. Then a dog appeared from them. He started to run for Sally as she stood up, smiling. The dog reared his head at me, then started for me. Sally looked at me in horror as the dog tackled me.

"Smile Dog! Get off!" She yelled. The dog was large and heavy, I could not get him off of me.He looked like he was smiling, I did not know that a dog could smile. He bent down and sniffed me, looking at Jeff's jacket that was on me. Looking at me, he squinted his eyes and got off. My heart was racing a mile a minute.

"Bad dog," Sally yelled," are you alright?" I nodded and said," yes, its hard to get up, but I will be fine. Anyway, do you thin you could help me pick something out to wear on my date with Jeff?" She smiled and nodded. I looked at her and smiled. She walked over to Smile Dog and hooked him up to his chain so that he could not get away. After she did that, she grabbed my hand and we started for, what I assumed was, her room.

It had been about two hours when Sally let me look at what she dressed me in (HERE). I looked at the selection of clothes that she put me in and raised and eyebrow

"Whats with all of the galaxy, and the nail polish?" I asked. Sally smiled.

"You'll see." She said, smiling. We started walking downstairs where Jeff was. Jeff was wearing makeup to conceal his cuts and bruises. Once Jeff laid his eyes on me he smiled like I have never seen before.

"You look amazing," he purred.

"Thanks you. You look beautiful," I whispered into his ear. Jeff pulled me into his arms and kissed me then, we walked out, ready for our date.

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