Mutual Pain

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They put me in a white padded room after regaining my strength and biting someone. They did not even bother to put me in a straight jacket. I walked over to the corner of the room and sat down, crying. I did not know why my mother sent me here. I would think that she would make us move. My heart sank when I saw the padded door open and a man with food walked in. I stood up, making him place the food down and run out, slamming the door. the smell of the horrible grub made me want to vomit. Walking over to the food, i tripped on my shoe laces, fell over, and almost landed in the food.

"Why me?" I whispered into the floor like a madman. Picking my head up, I looked at the food and noticed that the food was different from when I first looked at it. I cocked my head and grasped the kitchen plate. There was mashed potatoes, gravy, and a small steak. Smiling, I dug my fork into the food and ate up. After I finished I placed the plate by the door and walked over to my little corner of solitude. Soon, the lights flipped off, and I was left alone, in the dark. I started to shake and cry, but no one came to check up on me, or comfort me. Shortly, I fell asleep with tear-stained cheeks and blood shot eyes.

~A/N Middle of the Page POV Change!~

Jeff's Pov

I ran as fast as I could through the woods after Salem's mother pulled a gun on me. Before I actually ran away I stopped to listen to Salem and his mother fight. I was far enough away to hear their conversation but to where they can not see me.

"Salem! You are dating, that, thing?" I heard his mother yell. After a few seconds of silence I heard a loud 'smack.' I knew what he had done. He smacked his mother. I lowered my head and ran back through the woods to be met with my house. Walking through the door, I was met by Slendy and Eyeless Jack.

"Woah, long time! Where have you been?" Slender asked.

"I was somewhere near Canada, maybe Michigan." I lied, knowing exactly where I had gone.

"Why?" Asked Jack. I shrugged my shoulders and started for my room. I felt my body go limp and looked at the necklace that I was wearing. After a few minutes of not being able to move around, I finally got up and too my necklace in my hand. It was the exact same as Salem's. There is something special about this necklace.


"Salem, everything will be okay!" I whisper yelled as he cried into my chest.

"No it will not! You do not know what I am going through!" I inhaled and said," Salem, when ever you hurt, I hurt. When ever you cry, I cry. I will prove it, somehow." He started to cry again but soon fell asleep. I get up and locked his door, and cuddled up to him.

~~End Flashback~~

I felt a sharp pain in my face, which kicked me out of the memory. Soon I felt the sudden urge to burst out crying. Salem was hurting and I have to find out why.

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