The Question

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*Jeff's Point Of View*

Everything was happening so fast; I did not know how to react. If felt so right, but so wrong. As he was pulling my shirt off I stopped him.

"N-no. I'm sorry Salem. I do not think that I am ready." He bit his lip and nodded.

"It's fine, Jeff. Plus, my would have heard us, or even Jasmine." I flashed him a quick smile and pulled my legs up to my chest, looking at my black converses. Salem laid down beside of me.

"Lay down, Jeff. I promise I will not bite." I chuckled at his little remark.

"Okay. I do not think that I will fall asleep though." I said, pulling the covers over me.

"How about you take those clothes off," he said, pulling the covers off the reveal my blood-stained jacket, black skinny jeans, and converses. It was true, this clothing was hard to sleep in.

"I guess I could, but I do not have anything to wear." I finally said.

"Let me see what I have in my drawer," he said, getting up and checking his dresser for clothing.

He tossed me THIS. The shirt was huge on me, I guess that is why he has never worn it, there was a tag still on it. I walked over to his bathroom and put them on.

When I walked out, I noticed that Salem was on the verge of falling asleep.

"C-c-come lay do-ow-n," he stuttered. I walked over and laid on the bed. I starred at the wall in front of my face. Soon, Salems' arms were wrapped around my waist, and I could hear him snoring. I closed my eyes, attempting to fall asleep.

I heard someone knocking at the door and Salem scrambling to get up.

"Yea?" Salem yelled.

"I was going to come in and wake you up, but your door is locked," his mother said from the other side of the door. I looked at Salem who was motioning me to go into his closet. I got up and ran into it. After years of stalking him, I did not know that he had a walk in closet. I headed for the back of the closet and sat down.

"Why was the door locked? You never lock it."

"Jasmine kept trying to come in here and ask me questions, so I laid her down in her own bed, came back in here, and locked the door, hoping she would get the idea that I did not want her to come in here. I was going to unlock it, but I fell asleep," Salem lied.

"Oh, well, breakfast is ready. Get dressed and come down to eat."

"Okay mom." I heard his bedroom door close. Soon after, the closet door was being opened.

"Come on out, Jefferey," Salem said with a slight chuckle in his voice for calling me by my full name.

"Do not call me Jefferey." I whined.

"Sorry, Jeffie."

"That is better. I still do not like it, but it is better." Salem smiled and walked over to his bed, pulling me along.

"I guess I'll gather my things and be on my way. I might come back to-." I was cut off, once more, by Salem kissing me.

"You WILL come back, and I have something to ask you." I smiled at his immaturity.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

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