When I stepped into the room, Harry immediately flicked his head over to where I was, blinking a few times.

"Hi. Did I wake you?" I say softly, tucking my hair behind my ears as I walk over to the end of the couch he was laying on.

"No, I've been awake for a while." he says, running a hand through his curls.

"Oh." I respond, looking at the floor.

"What's up?" he says, moving his body so that he was sitting up. He keeps a hand on his shoulder for support as he shifts.

"I don't know. I just couldn't sleep. There's a lot on my mind." I say, twiddling my thumbs.  He nods and shoots me a soft smile. I sigh as I turn my whole body around to face him. "How's your shoulder." I ask him softly.

"It hurts, if I'm being honest." he huffs out. I pout my lip slightly, trying to show sympathy.

"Well at least you're okay. I mean, you could've died." I tell him. He fakes a smile and nods again in response. He started taking deep breaths, very slowly. His head hung low so that his curls fell over his forehead. I watched him as he shook his head at the ground.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, dipping my head down to try and find his eyes.

He shakes his head and sighs. "I'm just.." he pauses, "I'm just sorry that you have to deal with this bullshit." he says very quietly, but sternly.

My lips form into a line as inhale. "Harry-"

"And I'm sorry that it's all my fault." he whispers, still looking down.

"It's not all your fault." I breathe out, shaking my head while resting my hand on his leg that was stretched out.

He lets out a breathy chuckle as he raises his head to look at me. "Trust me, Lydia. It is. You don't get it."

I furrow my brows and break eye contact with him. "What do you mean it's all your fault? What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"You wouldn't understand." he says, shaking his head. He was closing himself off again but I needed him to tell me what was going on.

"You can't just say that and then shut down and not explain, Harry." I tell him as I become more irritated and confused by the second.

"Lydia. I don't want to talk about any of this. I shouldn't have said anything." he says, his voice low.

"But you did." I push. "You did say something."

He rolls his eyes and throws his head back. "Just go try and get some sleep." he exhales.

"How the hell am I supposed to get any rest after what you just said?" I scoff. He shakes his head, avoiding eye contact with me and not responding.

I cross my arms and look at him as he ignores me.

"Screw this." I exclaim as I stand from the couch, giving up on the conversation. Harry stays silent as he watches me forfeit.

I begin to walk away, but my eyes fall to something on the coffee table. It looked like an envelope with a stamp or logo in the corner.

But as I squint to look at this logo, my heart drops.

In the corner of the envelope was a red circle with five black dots embedded within it.

"Did the police ask you about a red circle?" I ask Wendy as her and Tina look at eachother.

"With the black dots?"

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