Losing It

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"After I cry I feel lighter, as if I washed all my negative emotions away. Stress and anger and heartbreak all flowing down my face at that moment. And I wipe them away furiously with my fingertips. Some fall to the floor where they belong. These negative emotions belong under my feet. So I stomp on them and trample them till I prove to myself that I am stronger then what people realize. Crying doesn't mean I am weak. Crying doesn't mean I'm strong. Crying is a human action. The tears, their saltiness on your cheeks when something so joyful happens that you have to let loose the emotions that bubbled up inside you. Or the drops of meaningless liquid when you lie in bed upset. Moments ago their rivers down my cheeks made me desperate. They made me vulnerable. But now I smile. I am content with what has happened, who I am, and who I was before."

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